DEV Community

Discussion on: How to deploy React App to GitHub Pages

yuribenjamin profile image
Ibrahim Ragab

Hello Zac

you did well but you need to make some changes to make your project run online kindly follow this process carefully:

1 - you need to change repo name because of dots in repo name conflict with URL, zacastaylor it's good enough and works with me.

2- in package.json change homepage with new value should be ""

2.1- change predeploy to the new value "npm run build", yarn is fine but it's not tested.

3- in App.js change line 25 to be <Route exact path='/zacastaylor'

4- in component => layout => Header.js line 37 to be <Link to="/zacastaylor"

download the project and change the repo name, after that remove the old connection you can check git remote -v you will see this connected with old repo remove connection by git remote rm this command will take one parameter the full command will be git remote rm origin.

if you check again git remote -v will display nothing to your terminal after that do the change above and make a commit with new changes then push and run npm run deploy.

happy to hear from you Zac, kindly update me if this process success or fail

zacastaylor profile image
Zac Taylor

Thanks so much for you help Ibrahim, but the issue was that I needed slightly different instructions because I am trying to have my React app hosted on my GitHub user page and not a project page. I followed the instructions here:

Thanks again!