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Why IT Industry is fastest growing Industry in the World

1. Easy entry for newcomer

The entry barrier for newcomer in IT industry is lowest compare to any other field. As almost anyone can learn any IT technology just by a computer and internet connection.

2. Automation

Once code is written for some work the work could be done millions or billions of times without any human need. Hence, unlike other industries, IT professionals can work heavy tasks in a short period.

3. Money

Automation leads to increased margins of profit for established IT companies. Hence the IT industry has the highest amount of money-flow inside it which leads to evolution of old technologies and invention of new-ones.

4. Free services to developers

The amount of free services the IT industry provides to its developers is unparalleled to any other industry.

Hence, the learning curve of new developers increases rapidly in a short period as there are almost no restrictions due to money on learning new technology.

5. Learning curve

As it is just a few clicks away to get any new information or a new skill. The learning curve in programming is way higher than in other industries.

Hence, the number of experts in technology is larger than in any other industry.

6. Millions of programmers & still counting

As it very easy to get in and the rapid learning, the number of programmers around the world increased exponentially and still increasing.

7. IT Industry penetration

As the IT industry is mainly based on Automation, precision & inventions, it is penetrating and becoming part of almost every other industry.

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