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Yonatan Karp-Rudin
Yonatan Karp-Rudin

Posted on • Originally published at on

Kotlin Code Smell 24 - Tackling Too Many Attributes


  • Low Cohesion

  • Coupling

  • Maintainability

  • Readability


  1. Identify methods related to specific groups of attributes.

  2. Cluster these methods together.

  3. Break down the original class into smaller, more focused objects based on these clusters.

  4. Replace existing references with new objects.


  • DTOs

  • Denormalized table rows

Sample Code


class ExcelSheet (
    val filename: String,
    val fileEncoding: String,
    val documentOwner: String,
    val documentReadPassword: String,
    val documentWritePassword: String,
    val creationTime: LocalDateTime,
    val updateTime: LocalDateTime,
    val revisionVersion: String,
    val revisionOwner: String,
    val previousVersions: List<String>,
    val documentLanguage: String,
    val cells: List<Cell>,
    val cellNames: List<String>,
    val geometricShapes: List<Shape>,

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class ExcelSheet (
    val fileProperties: FileProperties,
    val securityProperties: SecurityProperties,
    val datingProperties: DocumentDatingProperties,
    val revisionProperties: RevisionProperties,
    val languageProperties: LanguageProperties,
    val content: DocumentContent,


// The object now has fewer attributes, resulting in improved
// testability.
// The new objects are more cohesive, more testable, and lead to fewer
// conflicts, making them more reusable. Both FileProperties and
// SecurityProperties can be reused for other documents. Additionally,
// rules and preconditions previously found in fileProperties will be
// relocated to this object, resulting in a cleaner ExcelSheet
// constructor.

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Bloated objects know too much and are very difficult to change due to cohesion.

Developers change these objects a lot, so they bring merge conflicts and are a common problem source.

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Top comments (2)

isthemartin profile image
Martin Morales

Sounds good, just if we need to change a value on a property in a far level from base class could be a problem (data classes nested), like this: excelSheet.copy(fileProperties = FileProperties.copy(path = fileProperties.path)), I'm seeing this code in MVI patterns in updater class

yonatankarp profile image
Yonatan Karp-Rudin

In such case you can use some libraries like Arrow that giving you exactly this possibility with the usage of lens - you can find more info about it here: