Storybook is a tool to develop bulletproof components faster with a catalog of your components isolated into sections with your use cases implemented, showing off their appearance, behavior and functionalities with a lot of tools to easily communicate front end engineers with designers, UX and UI experts and the PO. You can develop the component isolated just like Sketch does to design them.
To explain how to integrate them I'll create a simple Quasar application with the @quasar/cli
command quasar create
$ quasar create storybook-quasar
And proceed to use the defaults as this is just an example. I advice using yarn as the package manager. I'll use yarn as the package manager of this example.
Navigate to the freshly created directory.
$ cd storybook-quasar
And lets integrate Storybook into our Quasar project.
But there's a catch, at the time of this writing, those two have a little issue when installed together: they use different versions of core-js
The issue is Storybook uses core-js@3
and Quasar still uses core-js@2
and those two have breaking changes, so, as Storybook have explicit internal dependency on the core-js@3
and will not be affected by the upper scope core-js
version, install core-js@2
to be available for Quasar:
$ yarn add --dev core-js@^2.0.0
And you should be greeted this perfect install message.
Then you can proceed to add Storybook as suggested on the useful vue guide on the storybookjs docs page.
$ npx -p @storybook/cli sb init --type vue
And you should see a LOT of warnings and a HUGE list of installed dependencies of dependencies.
And as the storybook installer says: now you can yarn storybook
your way into it.
$ yarn storybook
And after some compiling, loading and detecting it should open http://localhost:6006
on your browser.
And it even comes with a button simple example story to show off:
But as you will notice, quasar style and functionality isn't present on the stories. We need to import Quasar into our stories context to make it work, as Quasar can't run the stories and inject all its magic.
So open up your editor of preference (mine is VSCode) and let's change Storybook settings to add Quasar into it.
As the same settings will be shared between the ./quasar.conf.js
file and the ./.storybook/main.js
file I strongly suggest you extract the common logic to separated files to be imported in those files.
So I've created a ./webpack-config.js
file exporting a webpack configuration function:
// ./webpack-config.js
module.exports = cfg => {
enforce: 'pre',
test: /\.(js|vue)$/,
loader: 'eslint-loader',
exclude: /node_modules/,
options: {
formatter: require('eslint').CLIEngine.getFormatter('stylish')
And imported it into the ./.storybook/main.js
file as this:
// ./.storybook/main.js
const webpackFinal = require('../webpack-config.js');
module.exports = {
stories: ['../stories/**/*.stories.js'],
addons: ['@storybook/addon-actions', '@storybook/addon-links'],
In Storybook config object webpackFinal
is the name of the function passed to extend webpack functionality through its configuration. Similar changes should be made into the ./quasar.conf.js
file. Import the function on the top and change the extendWebpack
on the line 69, inside the build
// ./quasar.conf.js
const extendWebpack = require('../webpack-config.js')
Your ./quasar.conf.js
changes should look like this:
These changes will make it possible for Storybook to load vue and js files without errors. If you use sass or other style preprocessor, add it into the webpack-config like this:
// ./webpack-config.js
const path = require('path')
module.exports = cfg => {
enforce: 'pre',
test: /\.(js|vue)$/,
loader: 'eslint-loader',
exclude: /node_modules/,
options: {
formatter: require('eslint')
test: /\.s(c|a)ss$/,
use: ['css-loader', 'sass-loader'],
include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),
return cfg
And if you use aliases on your components, would be better to extract that list too to a function on a ./aliases.js
const { resolve } = require('path')
const resolveAlias = (rootRelativePath, aliases) => {
return (accumulator, name) => {
const aliasPath = aliases[name]
const resolvedPath = resolve(...rootRelativePath, ...aliasPath)
return {
[name]: resolvedPath
const aliases = {
'@': ['src'],
src: ['src'],
components: ['src', 'components'],
tools: ['src', 'tools'],
mixins: ['src', 'mixins'],
store: ['src', 'store']
module.exports = (...dir) => Object.keys(aliases)
.reduce(resolveAlias(dir, aliases), {})
And then we'll have our aliases in Quasar and Storybook. After that, you'll need to import Quasar framework features in a newly created file ./.storybook/preview.js
. This file will import Quasar files to inject in Storybook preview iframes.
// ./.storybook/preview.js
// Setup context for Storybook here
import 'quasar/dist/quasar.min.css'
import '@quasar/extras/roboto-font/roboto-font.css'
import '@quasar/extras/material-icons/material-icons.css'
import '@quasar/extras/material-icons-outlined/material-icons-outlined.css'
import 'quasar/dist/quasar.css'
// import 'src/css/app.scss' // if you have an app.scss|sass|styl main file
import Vue from 'vue';
import Quasar from 'quasar';
Vue.use(Quasar, { config: {}, directives: {} });
// run needed boot plugins files down here like `bootFile({ Vue })`
Then restart your storybook instance just to be sure it will reload with everything with: yarn storybook
and check if everything is running properly. And after it opens in your browser you'll notice Quasar styles took over.
And now you can create a new story to develop your brand new component with Quasar magic:
// ./stories/2-Quasar.stories.js
import { QLayout, QPageContainer, QPage, QSelect, QBtn } from 'quasar'
export default {
title: 'Quasar'
export const Components = () => ({
title: 'QuasarComponents',
components: { QLayout, QPageContainer, QPage, QSelect, QBtn },
template: `<q-layout>
<q-page class="full-height full-width justify-center items-center q-pa-xl">
<div class="col-auto">
<q-input v-model="name" label="Full name" />
<q-select v-model="role" :options="options" label="User Role" />
data () {
return {
name: null,
role: 'User',
options: ['Admin', 'Supervisor', 'User']
You should see this component being rendered with Quasar components and its marvelous style.
Hope this little guide could help you. The generated code is available at the yemolai/storybook-quasar repo on Github. Go check it out. See ya.
Top comments (5)
So, @romulo, first of all, thank you VERY much for this guide, it has been incredibly helpful!
I will add that adding storybook to your current project leads to a very substantial increase on your dependency tree, therefore big increases whenever installing node_modules (for local environment, or even during CI). To mitigate this we have configured install-subset ( on our project, so we can install Storybook and its dependencies only when necessary.
But I have to ask, didn't you run into other issues with Storybook and Quasar? After a lot of other problems making storybook recognise our Vuei18n and Vee-validate usage, we're now having trouble using SCSS global variables inside our Vue components.
The problem seems to be related to how storybook loads scss, which seems to be split across multiple files deep into quasar's sourcecode, which I haven't found yet.
Oh, nice, I'm glad that my text helped :D
About that install-subset I'll look forward into it, my modules dir is pretty big right now.
I haven't had any other significant issues with Storybook and Quasar, using Vue18n and other libs are really bad and I did a little mechanism to replicate Quasar behavior with boot/plugins files with an index.js to load every boot/plugin file available, that can be really helpful when the application grows. About the variables I imported the quasar.variables.scss in the
and it worked pretty well because I don't have a lot of things going on in SCSS domain of the application.Hi thanks for the tutorial, it works perfectly!
But when im import quasar.variables.scss to preview.js it doesnt work :(
Can you help me ?
I have the same issue, any updates?
I followed this approach:
First, I built my quasar app using
npm run build
.Then, I moved the css file from the
directory to the.storybook
directory and renamed it tostyles.css
.Finally, I imported it into the
file usingimport './styles.css'
.Additionally, I wrote a bash script to automate this process and run it before executing
npm run storybook