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I think you need to read all of Feynman's novels as well as his technical books. I also re-watch Infinity once in awhile. We watched it for some class but I don't remember which one. If you haven't taken some basic chemistry classes, I want you to know the man comes up there right away as well. He was super well rounded. As well as Joan, Feynman's sister and collaborator.

Recently I heard somebody saying Feynman was known as a philanderer. This is from a someone else's lens and perspective and was not how he was perceived as-alive one bit. Please reconsider labeling anyone alive or dead for a story's sake. I now see this academic as emotionally closed off. I don't see why else someone would bring that up about a person who was kind and isn't even around to continue hurting anyone if he ever did. It's weird!

There were people who misunderstood him but that is not even possible to add to his legacy. Almost anyone could have misunderstood Dr. F, as he was one lucky human to be endowed with loving parents who had the brains to help his intelligence grow early. Dr. F loved himself first, as we should note. That doesn't make someone a bad person at all. As he built up his knowledge in solitude or at work, he was able to explain it so clearly with natural linguistic compression, the only thing that could stop someone from enjoying his work is a) it was censored from them (this includes many of us) or b) they have no need to understand it.

Feynman observed what was happening at the time and expounded upon it enthusiastically. If there is anyway to make a backup of someone's useful know-how, we should be figuring that out. In case they are alive and hurting people, we can duplicate their work and not depend on evil to create good.

Later, I am going to talk about my current tech obsession Digital Equipment Corporation. This will lead me to Xerox Park, I am sure, but I haven't learned the roadmap yet. I am definitely most knowledgable on history from 1880s-1950's and then it jumps to 1977.

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