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C++ nuances/tricks

This is a post I will regularly update with the nuances and tricks that I discover while solving complex DSA questions in C++.

Sets in C++:

You can refer to this code if you want to experiment with the functions listed below: code
Let's say you have a set<int> nums;, then:

1. To get the edge elements you can do:

int first = *nums.begin();
int last = *(--(nums.end()));
// OR    
first = *(--(nums.rend()));
last = *nums.rbegin();
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⭐️ so basically try to not use end() and rend() as they are a bit tricky and there are simpler alternatives:

❗️ Note that rbegin() and rend() are reverse iterators so to get the second last element using rbegin() what do you think we will do?

-> The answer is: int secondLast = *(++(nums.rbegin()));

❗️ Also remember that rend() and end() don't give iterators pointing to elements, rather they return the pointer of one past the first or the last, i.e, nums.end() will give iterator pointing to the address after the last element which is not dereference-able similarly nums.rend() will give the iterator of the location one before the first element so be careful of how you use them otherwise it will result in memory segmentation errors.

Also one final note about edge operators:
You can also use constant operators if your functionality requires, to write more predictable and debuggable code:

auto FIRST_ITR = nums.cbegin();
auto LAST_ITR = nums.cend();
auto FIRST_REV_ITR = nums.crbegin();
auto LAST_REV_ITR = nums.crend();
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2. Different ways to erase elements:

There are 3 methods:

  • nums.erase(iterator)

⭐️ If you want to remove the 4th element in the set you cannot do:
because while sets are ordered containers they don't allow random access like vectors so you must iterate with the iterator one at a time like so:

auto it = nums.begin();
int x = 4;
while(x--) it++;
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  • nums.erase(value) - straightforward, just removes the value from the set if present.
  • nums.erase(iterator1, iterator2) - useful, removes elements in the range [iterator1, iterator2) ❗️ note the closed-open interval

3. Trivial but useful functions:

  • find()
  • lower_bound(x) - Returns an iterator pointing to the first element not less than the given value.
  • upper_bound(x) - Returns an iterator pointing to the first element greater than the given value.
  • equal_range(x) - Basically returns a pair of iterators equivalent to make_pair(nums.lower_bound(x), nums.upper_bound(x))

  • empty()

  • size()

4. Hidden but awesome functions:

  • emplace(): an interesting function to say the least:
    • consider this code:
set<pair<int, int>>s;
s.insert({1, 2});
// or
s.insert(make_pair(1, 2));
// but with emplace you can do:
s.emplace(1, 2);  // because emplace creates the object in the set directly so it will just pass 1, 2 to the container's element's constructor which is pair<int, int> here.
// or
s.emplace(make_pair(1, 2));
// but not using list initializer like s.emplace({1, 2)) ❌ because emplace() doesn't automatically deduce that {1, 2} should be converted to a pair<int, int>, so instead you'll have to do:
s.emplace(pair<int, int>{1, 2});
// anyways its better to just stick to make_pair() or direct args passing in .emplace() rather than relying on implicit template deduction
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  • benefit of using .emplace() over .insert() as they both provide the same utility is the performance difference of the two methods, insert(x) will create x then transfer it to the set in memory, emplace(x) will directly create x in the set's internal memory saving transfer/copy cost. this is a negligible advantage for simple objects but for more complicated objects it can be a key optimization.

    • swap() - Exchanges the contents of two sets. This is a fast operation because it swaps pointers and size metadata rather than copying the elements.
    • merge(anotherSet) - Transfers all elements from anotherSet into the set which are not present in destination set, removing duplicates.
    std::set<int> set1 = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9};
    std::set<int> set2 = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 5};

    // Merge set2 into set1

    // Now set2 has one element 5 and set1 contains the union of both.

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  • comparison operators - surprisingly you can compare sets in C++ accordign to their lexicographical order, for example:
    set<int> set1 = {1, 3, 5};
    set<int> set2 = {1, 3, 5};
    set<int> set3 = {1, 2, 6};
    set<int> set4 = {1, 3, 4, 7};

    // Compare set1 and set2
    if (set1 == set2) {
        cout << "set1 is equal to set2" << endl;

    // Compare set1 and set3
    if (set1 < set3) {
        cout << "set1 is less than set3" << endl;

    // Compare set1 and set4
    if (set1 < set4) {
        cout << "set1 is less than set4" << endl;

    // output: set1 is equal to set2
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  • Custom set - When constructing a set, you can provide a custom comparator to change the default ordering of the elements.
struct ReverseComparator {
    bool operator()(const int& lhs, const int& rhs) const {
        return lhs > rhs; // Reverse order

std::set<int, ReverseComparator> mySet;

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Sneaky optimization while iterating through containers

Let's say you have a map<string, set<int>> mapper structure, there are two optimizations you should know if you want iterate over them in the most efficient way possible:

for(auto &z : mapper) {             // use &z instead of z
    set<int> &values = z.second;    // same here, reference the value instead of copying it anew
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This might seem trivial but many people make this mistake and get TLE as I have seen in many editorials, so I thought should address it.

Object Destructuring in pair

Similar to Python and JS object and array destructuring you can do the following in c++:

    queue<pair<int, vector<int>>> q;
    q.push({INT_MAX, {1, 2}});

    auto [x, y] = q.front();        // works
//  auto [x, &y] = q.front();       // doesn't work

    auto &v = q.front().second;     // do this instead for initialization via reference
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Because, when you use structured bindings like auto [x, y], you are effectively unpacking the members of a tuple-like object (like std::pair, std::tuple, etc.) into separate variables. This syntax is intended for value bindings, meaning it creates new variables (x and y) that are copies of the values from the tuple (or pair) being unpacked. So it works well with primitive types but when copying entire objects it could be the cause of TLE.

String caution

In c++, you should avoid adding characters to string literals directly as it leads to pointer arithmetic instead of string concatenation. For example:

    string str = "";
    str += "abc" + 'd';    // Runtime Error
    cout << str << '\n';
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because, when you do "abc" + 'd', the expression "abc" is treated as a pointer, and 'd' (which is an integer in this context, representing the ASCII value of 'd') is added to the pointer. This results in pointer arithmetic, not string concatenation, which throws an out of bounds exception.

Observe the below example:

    string str = "";
    str += "abcdefg" + 2;
    cout << str << '\n';
    // Output: cdefg

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Lambda functions

If you are familiar with Lambda functions in Python (or JS) you know how awesome they can be, I use them excessively in Python, so I thought I should explore them in C++, so here goes:
Basic syntax is:
[capture list](parameters) -> return type { body }

// This is not complete yet, I will write once I find the time...

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