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Discussion on: Can web components UI use dynamic data from our backends DB as input?

yamita profile image
Yamita • Edited

Thanks for commenting. When you said "native comps" do you mean...
OOP compositions?
or components?

I haven't learned react so I don't know what either means but just have to understand the word you mean so I can read up on the meaning and learn.

If I join the Lit community would you guys take me onboard as an apprentice? And is there like a shared Lit component website like this for react? Where I can download UI components that are pre made and tweak them to my needs rather than reinvent the wheel?

Component Library (I believe it's react components, could be wrong. Maybe it's web components):
What Bit is:

Also if I go with Lit, should I go with Lit elements or Lit HTML? Even the official docs is vague about the differences. I don't like that they have split it into two things.

michaelwarren1106 profile image
Michael Warren has all the info, including the playground where you can play with Lit and see how components work with it. as far as joining the community anyone is welcome! there’s not any formal training or apprenticeship stuff, but anyone is encouraged to ask questions!

Thread Thread
yamita profile image

Thanks I hope my questions are helpful to others. I'll read the Lit docs and more about stencil output targets before asking other stuf. is way nicer than stackoverflow, had some salty mod downvote my post there even though I'm just a beginner asking for guidance on where to start.

michaelwarren1106 profile image
Michael Warren

i misspoke, i meant to say other output targets. Stencil can output more than web components but it’s gonna depend on your use case:

Lit is the custom elements base class, lit-html is an included tool that helps with making HTML templates inside Lit element render functions. lit-html is the package that has html`` tagged template strings and other helpers for dealing with HTML as strings for use in web comps