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Mapbox as a Worthy Alternative to Google Maps Price Hike

Google Maps is the first worldwide mapping service that comes to mind when choosing the right map integration. It has earned the trust of web, iOS, and Android developers around the world. Google Maps is easy to integrate with APIs and can serve so many use cases, providing interactive maps for your website, location-based service for taxi and travel services, and navigation for huge logistics platforms.

However, starting in July 2018, Google significantly reduced the number of free Dynamic Maps JavaScript API calls. Previously, the limit was 25,000 per day. Now, the limit is 28,000 per month. Google also started to require all API calls to use a valid API key, which has to be linked to a Google Cloud Platform account. Keyless access isn’t supported. As a result, all keyless calls to the Maps JavaScript API and Street View API bring back low-resolution maps watermarked with “for development purposes only.”

Smaller websites and apps not generating many map views aren’t likely to reach the 28,000 per month limit. But what if your web or mobile solution actively uses more sophisticated Google Maps services? For example, what if you use Dynamic Maps, which allow for user interactions? In that case, your site or app is likely to face a cost increase.

Are there any Google Maps alternatives? We wanted to figure out if Mapbox is a worthy Google Maps replacement given the high cost of Google Maps. Before we dive into our findings, let’s begin with defining what Mapbox is.

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Top comments (1)

yalantis profile image

At @yalantis , we see 👀 quite a few sites switching from the #GoogleMaps API 🗺️🤔 to Open Street Maps from #Mapbox. Maybe @Google went too fast when trying to earn money from Maps?