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M Fariz Wisnu prananda
M Fariz Wisnu prananda

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Variable on Golang

so now i will tell about variable in golang.

in golang, when the variable declaration must be followed by its data type. this concept is manifest typing . an example like this

package main

import "fmt"

func main(){
   var firstName string = "Sakura "
   var lastName string
   lastName = "endo"

   fmt.Printf("halo %s %s!\n", firstName, lastName)
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the result is


like the code above, I write down the variable followed by the name and data type

How to declare variable using var

conditions in variable declaration with var like this

  1. Declaration without value
var <name-variable> <type-data>
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2.Declaration with value

var <name-variable> <type-data> = <value>
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var Name string
var Hobby string = "Football"
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What is the use of "fmt.Printf()" ?

the function is the same as Println, but the output is defined at the beginning, in the "hello %s %s!\n" section, %s will be replaced with a string where the string is filled with the value of the 2nd to 3rd parameter and so onof the parameter.

fmt.Printf("Hi %s %s", firstname,lastname)
fmt.Printf("Hi "+  firstname + lastname + "!")
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in addition to using "%s" to connect between strings, you can also use "+" .this is called string concatenation

Multi-variable declaration

This way, we can declare multiple variables with just 1 line.

var firts,second,third string
firsts,second, third = "1","2","3"
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easy and very simple,could be more concise this way

var firts,second,third string = "1","2","3"
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firts,second,third := "1","2","3"
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Thanks for reading, don't forget to like and share and that's how to declare variable in golang!.

Golang is so much fun

Top comments (3)

tingwei628 profile image

typo "Variabel"

xvbnm48 profile image
M Fariz Wisnu prananda

thanks for feedback!

xvbnm48 profile image
M Fariz Wisnu prananda

sorry for my english, thanks for feedback!