DEV Community

Discussion on: How To Make A Makefile

xtofl profile image

You're absolutely not alone in that.

But make isn't intended to organize tasks, is it? It's intended to build stuff out of other stuff, honouring the dependencies.

GNU Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files.

These PHONY targets mostly contain bash scripts as recipes. What would be worse if you create actual bash scripts out of them?

I've lost hours and hours trying to get my code changes into a flash image, thinking that make image would do. The makefile authors thought that new developers would be smart enough to understand that not all make targets have explicit dependencies (that would slow the build down). Surprise: I wasn't.

That's what I meant: I prefer the targets to be actual Targets, because then the rules I have to remember (and forward to new devs, and document, ...) becomes way smaller. Less room for human errors. And after all, that's what causes the biggest cost for the company.