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Discussion on: Your bash scripts are rubbish, use another language

xtofl profile image

"Returning" is indeed an abstract concept. Each platform makes it concrete in its own way. To the CPU, there's no such thing as 'returning'. I don't think opinions should matter here; it's always a choice.

To me, returning a tuple is fare more readable than mixing input- and output arguments of a function. Modern languages accomodate this, and together with 'destructuring', it leads to code that most developers can readily understand.

def explode_url(url):
  return prot, dom, path

protocol, domain, path = explode_url("")
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// C++
auto explode_url(const string_view& url) {
  return make_tuple(prot, dom, path);
auto [protocol, domain, path] = explode_url("");
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As an application programmer (less so as a driver implementer or kernel hacker), I value this s expressiveness in a language. Any compiler that does not know this 'magic' forces me to work around it.

Hey, as an aside - cor3ntin wrote a nice overview of what divides C and C++ worlds: He shouldn't have called it 'The Problem", but I like his analysis, which goes way beyond the technical.

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jrbrtsn profile image
John Robertson • Edited

I had already read the article, thanks for sharing. "Expressiveness" is an entirely subjective term which merits little discussion. In my opinion, any pointer passed in which is not marked const refers to a return buffer. If you study libc's prototypes, you can see the established convention of passing in the address of the return buffer(s) first.
Back in 1993 I would have asserted confidently that C++ will overtake C in a decade or so. Live and learn.

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xtofl profile image

I have noticed that in most circles I have communicate with (I started around 2000), abstractions are welcomed (within limits), while in the embedded domain, the feel with the hardware is appreciated more. There seems to be a scale ranging from bare metal to functional programming.

It would be an interesting exercise to see which concepts make code more expressive for you, and which for me, and if there are certain 'clusters' of developers that benefit from the same kind of style. Probably there are some studies about it already - I'll have to look around.