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André Rodrigues (Xor)
André Rodrigues (Xor)

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Creating a mega application with Expo (Part-1)

Nowadays creating an application with React Native is super trendy in the mobile world, React Native uses the React ecosystem as a base.


Yes friend! But not everything was this marvel that we see today, in previous times to develop using React Native technology, the developer should have a computer with extremely strong configurations, this to run the Android Studio mobile emulator (computers with Windows systems, or Linux distributions ), over time, a solution has emerged that would change the whole form of development with React Native.

Introduction to Expo

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As I mentioned above, not everything was wonderful during the development with React Native. The Expo tool broke many barriers in the development of mobile applications, one of which is the experience of sharing application development in real time, which is interesting, as we were able to collect feedbacks from our customers, or from the testing team in a fast way . But to really observe this and other cool things, the ideal is to get your hand dirty. I prepared this series of posts where we will build a Delivery application from scratch.

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That's right! an application with a database and deploy at Heroku, but in order not to have exaggerated texts, I will leave it to start the application in part two. Oops; Before we finish this part, I would like to ask you to download a code editor and install NodeJS and Yarn, these tools are some that we will use at the beginning of our project. I hope you enjoyed this post start, if you want to follow more news, follow me on my instagram: @andrelaurentinorodrigues, big hug and until the next post

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