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Cover image for Ansible 6.1.0 has been released
XLAB Steampunk
XLAB Steampunk

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Ansible 6.1.0 has been released

Ansible users beware! The new version of Ansible is here (, bringing major updates. In addition to a curated set of Ansible Collections that provide a vast number of modules and plugins, the Ansible 6.1.0 package also includes ansible-core 2.13.1, which is a significant update from Ansible 5 versions that included ansible-core 2.12. Make sure to check your playbooks for any potential compatibility issues.

New in Ansible 6:

  • a new command line utility “ansible-community” to check the installed version of the Ansible Community package,

  • Python wheels available for Ansible 6 and ansible-core 2.13. versions, resulting in significantly improved installation performance,

  • Ansible 6 no longer installs some unnecessary files from Ansible Collections (tests, hidden files and directories) to further improve installation performance and reduce the disk size,

  • and more.

You can install the package with pip install ansible==6.1.0.

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