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Gustavo Tavares
Gustavo Tavares

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SPO600 Lab06 - sve2

Hi there,

This lab build up on top of the past lab, this time we need to make a new volume function that will use SVE2 syntax.

Even though it looks simple, it is really hard to understand inline assembler and intrinsic code.

For this lab, I decided to change one of the previous functions to use sve2.

My Approach

The one function I decided to change was vol4(remembering that vol4.c was made by the professor, not by me):

First things I had to change was adding the sve header file:

After that, instead of using the v registers, I used z as instructed in the sve2 instructions:

(Image from:


The change was not huge, but without the sve2 instructions on the Makefile it could not compile:


And to run it we need to to use qemu-aarch64:


Without it we have a illegal instruction error:
Core dumped:

On object dump, we can see that sqrdmulh is using the z registers.
Objdump -d

Thank you for your reading!

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