DEV Community

Ilker Ozturk
Ilker Ozturk

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Frontend Challenge v24.07.24

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.07.24, Glam Up My Markup: Recreation

What I Built

For this challenge, I created a landing page for the New York Recreational Cricket League. The goal was to design a modern, user-friendly interface that effectively communicates the league’s offerings and engages potential members. The page features:

A Header: Showcases the league’s name and a call-to-action button for contacting us.
A Navigation Bar: Provides smooth navigation between different sections of the page.

Main Sections:

  • About the League: Details about the league and its benefits.
  • Location of Games: Information on where games are held and how to get there.
  • Season Schedule: Highlights important dates and events for the upcoming season.
  • Membership Info Dialog: A modal with detailed membership options and benefits, accessible from a button within the “About” section.


Deployed(live) Website: Click to go website
Source Code: Click to go website
Feel free to contribute :)


Process and Learning

  • Design & Development: I used Tailwind CSS for its utility-first approach to create a responsive and visually appealing layout. I aimed for a modern design with a focus on usability and accessibility.
  • Dialog Implementation: Implemented a modal dialog for membership information that pops up when a button is clicked, enhancing user engagement.
  • Page Transitions: Added smooth transitions between sections to provide a seamless user experience.
  • Loading Animation: Included a loading animation that fades out after a short delay to enhance perceived performance.
    Challenges & Solutions

  • Navbar Overlap with Dialog: Ensured that the dialog does not interfere with the navbar by using z-index effectively.

  • Responsive Design: Tested the layout on various screen sizes to ensure responsiveness.

  • What I'm Proud Of

  • Interactive Features: The modal dialog and dynamic section transitions provide an interactive experience.

  • Responsive Layout: The site looks great on both desktop and mobile devices, thanks to Tailwind CSS.

This project protect under MIT License!

Top comments (2)

uzondu9 profile image
Uzondu • Edited

I love your work; Its the most impressive I have seen throughout the submissions.
Is it because you used Tailwind CSS? I would like to know 🕵️‍♀️ .
But when I checked your repo, I saw that you directly edited the HTML, are you sure you are not going against the rules 🤔.

xentzenith profile image
Ilker Ozturk

Thanks, I checked rules already, here's the reference from last part.

You should not directly edit the HTML provided, unless it is via JavaScript. We expect style and substance. You may add basic boilerplate, including meta tags etc. for presentation purposes.

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