Recently I start learning Tailwind CSS, a CSS framework that helps you write CSS way faster.
Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework packed with...
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Tailwind > Bootstrap. Change my mind.
Can't change. Tailwind is too good.
Road bike > Moutain Bike. Change my mind.
Mountain Bike > Road Bike. We get air. And we don't get hit by cars as often. We just tend to hug trees. Change my mind.
We get more protein from flies and mosquitos. Free energy FTW.
I don't know. I go through Gnat clouds quite often. Free energy FTW!
@PawelKowalski Well said.
Bootsrap does not use purgecss. It is the developer role to use it,contrary to tailwind which have purge by default.
In bootstrap, you can customize all components. There is a lot of variables for each component, and you can change all classes in your code. For example, you can add .card { border-radius ;50%} and it Will work.
In tailwind you can do bg-[url('imagePath/imageName.extension ')] and you have successfully added a background image
You can also try h-[300px]
Infact to cut all long story i can desing any UI without writing one single css all tailwind classes
As stated below you can customize anything in Bootstrap and there is multiple ways to do it. I have worked with BS on a number of sites and used the CDN in all cases.
Pull the CDN first and then have you stylesheet come second in the HTML cascade and everything will be customized/manipulated. Add or override any style it works.
I haven't used Tailwind but it does look useful as a utility framework.
No no no, you cannot compare them.
Tailwind is atomic css, is suitable when you write style based component, where you can reuse them. If you just create single page or just one component that you never reuse it, I think native css is better.
Bootstrap has many default component, it's better to use them when you create something like admin panel. If you one something more customizable, don't use bootsrap. Native css or tailwind is good to go.
I have my own thumbs of rule, you can agree or disagree.
Just use the right tool on the right place
Nope tailwind is still better even for admin panel, with bootstrap everyone knows you used bootstrap. It's like McDonalds.
Yeah, I agree. But, for short deadline and client don't care about the design, I prefer use customized ready to use framework css like Bootstrap. Except you wanna create from scratch all the tool like Modal, Alert, Dropdown, etc.
Tailwindcss is still better for custom design, I use it over time. I build my custom admin panel build with tailwind and svelte. It's pretty cool and fast. No jquery or bootstrap needed.
You have tailwind-ui for that it lets you implement modals and so on very fast.
Costs money though. 😮💨
$279 is some Jr Software Engineers monthly salary where I live.
I meant headless-ui sorry.
How long did it take to learn Tailwind? I m thinking to try
If your foundation with Pure CSS is strong, then it will hardly take a week to learn Tailwind
I won't compare a Lion and a Tiger. 😁
Style .card in bootstrap and it stays constant throughout the project, forget a style on tailwind have a different look to the card. @change my mind
You can still create a .card class using
in Tailwind 🔥We can achieve the same using components
None of those, sass is all you need! Bootstrap add a ton of unnesary code and Tailwind add a ton of unnesary classes and overhead process.