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Implementing programmable code snippets in VSCode - `Code Recycle`

  • How to customize code snippets in the editor? Provide the completion prefix, provide the completion content, and then you can use it directly
  • But specific content can only be inserted in the current file and input location, sometimes it may not meet the requirements
  • If we want to introduce a service that automatically creates when it does not exist, we can only rely on ourselves because the code snippet is static and cannot be programmed
  • If you have such a need and want to implement it, why not give it a try with Code Recycle

Import a service

  • Create code snippet configuration
    "prefix": [
    "body": " ",
    "regexp": {
        "pattern": "\\.([\\p{L}\\p{N}]+)",
        "flag": "u"
    "pattern": "**/*.ts",
    "dynamicMode": true,
    "script": "./import-class.ts"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Implement call function
let fn: ScriptFunction = async (util, rule, host, injector) => {
  let importName = util.documentContext.snippetParameters![1];
  let _ = util.lodash;
  let className = _.upperFirst(_.camelCase(importName));
  let rootCtx = util.initContext();
  await util.changeList(
    // Check if the class exists
        path: `*.ts`,
        name: 'classPath',
        glob: true,
        list: [
            query: `export class ${className}`,
            mode: 'like',
            optional: true,
            callback(context, index) {
              let classPathCtx = context.getContext('root.classPath');
     = context.node!.path!;
  let filePath = rootCtx.getContext('root.classPath').data;
  if (!filePath) {
    // Create from template
    await util.changeList([
        type: 'copy',
        from: join(__dirname, './template/__name@dasherize__.ts'),
        to: './',
        pathTemplate: '@angular-devkit',
        contentTemplate: '@angular-devkit',
        templateContext: { name: importName },
    let changedRecord = host.records();
    filePath = util.path.normalize((changedRecord[0] as any).path);
  let pathRelative = require('../shared/path-relative');
  // insert reference
  let changed = await util.changeList([
      path: util.filePathGroup.currentPath,
      list: [
          range: [0, 0],
          replace: `import {${className}} from '${pathRelative(util.filePathGroup.currentPath, filePath, util)}'\n`,
          range: util.documentContext.insertRange![0].range,
          replace: `let ${importName} = new ${className}()`,

  await util.updateChangeList(changed);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • When entering import.hello in the ts file in the editor, and completing the completion, the Hello class will be automatically introduced and initialized


  • examples
  • The tool currently supports the execution of CLI and VSCode Extension. Script Support yaml/js/ts
  • You can view document learn more
  • If you want to see more instances, you can visit the repository view and Run
  • If you are already interested, you can start quickly

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