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Discussion on: Using Vue in WordPress

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Lisa Armstrong • Edited

Good question!

I think your best approach would be to set up a component, and pass the the_title(); etc. in as a prop (variable).

This will guide you through making a component.

Passing props (variables into your components):

In the end, you'd end up with something like..
in vuecode.js

Vue.component('wp-vue-title', {
  props: ['title'],
  template: '<h3>{{ title }}</h3>'
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In your template:

<wp-vue-title title="<?php the_title(); ?> "></wp-vue-title>
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Note: In the example tutorial, it adds a shortcode.

In your case, you probably wouldn't need it, since it sounds like you're doing this through the template. Shortcodes work better on the text side.

Good luck!