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Sibelius Seraphini for Woovi

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Robust MongoDB Change Stream implementation

Change streams allow applications to access real-time data changes without the prior complexity and risk of manually tailing the oplog.

Change streams enable you to update other data sources like a search index in elastic search, or publish events to subscribers.

A naive implementation would listen to some collections, but won't handle the case your service that is listening crashes or has some downtime when doing a rollout deployment.

This article provides a more robust solution that will avoid making you lose any change stream event, even when your service crashes or get some downtime.

Robust Change Streams using a Resume Token

const stream =[], {
  fullDocument: 'updateLookup',

stream.on('change', (data) => {})
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A stream will emit a ChangeStreamData for each data change in your collection.

For each data change it will also provide a resumeToken, that will let you resume the processing from this point in time.

A resumeToken is like a cursor in cursor-based pagination.

The implementation to use a resume token is easy as that:

const changeStreamListen = async <T extends any>(
  model: Model<T>,
  fn: (data: ChangeStreamData<T>) => void,
) => {
  const name =;
  const key = `resumetoken:${name}`;
  const resumeToken = await RedisCache.get(key);

  const getResumeOptions = () => {
    if (resumeToken) {
      return {
        resumeAfter: resumeToken,

    return {};

  const stream =[], {
    fullDocument: 'updateLookup',

  stream.on('change', changeStreamMiddleware(name, fn)).on('error', (err) => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line
    console.log('change error:', err);
    Sentry.setExtra('error', err);
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This implementation saves the resume token for a given collection in Redis, and tries to resume from it if available.

In Summary

Change Streams can simplify a lot your software architecture.
Providing a robust implementation of it is important to make sure you won't lose any data change.


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