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It’s funny how many people think that web accessibility is mainly for the disabled.

But that’s not the case 👎

🔸The whole point of accessibility is to make sure everyone has a smooth experience on the web - whether disabled or not.

🔸Take, for instance, the alt attribute.

Most developers link images to their web pages rather than downloading the images to their local folder.

Quite often, these images disappear when the sites they were linked from are down.

So in this case, if there's no alt attribute, Users won’t know what the absent image represents.

🚨 This affects us all, disabled or not.

🔸Adding alt attributes for images is just one way to improve your web accessibility.

There are others, like rel and target attributes for links and title attributes for a selected menu, to mention but a few.

🚀 The fact still remains that accessibility is not an option when building but a requirement, according to the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).

🔊To understand more about accessibility and other web standards, listen to this episode with Bolaji Ayodeji on Tech with Wonuola 🎙, the podcast.

Just a suggestion you can leave it as is if you think it’s great already (👉🏽 By the way, I had an amazing discussion about accessibility and other web standards on my podcast, Tech with Wonuola. You can learn more about it in the episode featuring Bolaji Ayodeji. Tune in! 🎧😊) #softwaredevelopment #accessibility #a11y #websitedevelopment

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