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Joel Adewole
Joel Adewole

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10 SEO Tips for Ecommerce Websites

Ecommerce websites are a brilliant way to promote and sell your products to potential customers all around the world. However, with so many websites out there, it can be challenging to get noticed and attract traffic to your site. That's where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. You can increase your website's visibility and ranking on search engines, bringing in more visitors and sales as a result of using effective SEO strategies

Even if you are familiar with SEO, you may not be getting the best results.

Whether you have an ecommerce website or any other site, you might need to optimize it for search engine ranking.

In this article, we will discuss how to optimize your ecommerce website for higher search engine rankings. This will help increase traffic and sales for your business. You will also learn about link building, content marketing, and keyword research. You can then create an effective SEO strategy for your ecommerce website using the tips provided in this article.

Let’s dive in!

What does SEO mean?

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves creating relevant content based on the keywords that people use in search queries to help search engines algorithms understand the content of a website. It also involves adding links and other elements to make the site easy to access and navigate. SEO can help a website rank higher at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs), increasing its visibility to people searching for specific information.

Additionally, SEO entails improving the website to make it user-friendly and better crawling and indexing by search engines. SEO in ecommerce is specifically intended to boost a product's visibility in search engine results pages to increase sales and conversion rates.

Below is an image of a Google search engine result page showing the result of a search with “Laptop for sale amazon” as the search query.

Image of a Google search engine result page showing the result of a search with “Laptop for sale amazon” as the search query.

Why is SEO important in ecommerce?

SEO is important in ecommerce and shouldn't be taken for granted. You can effectively target customers who are looking for goods or services available in your online store.

SEO raises your search engine ranking, which increases organic traffic to your website, creating chances of generating more inquiries and sales rise as a result. Since it provides potential clients with relevant, accurate, and current information, SEO also aids in establishing credibility and trust with them. In the end, SEO aids in boosting revenue and sales for your ecommerce store.

Best SEO practices for ecommerce websites.

Here are some tips for effectively implementing SEO on your website now that you know why it's important for ecommerce websites.

  1. Use relevant keywords properly across your website to improve search engine optimization. You may boost your website's rating by researching keywords and adding relevant keywords to content, title tags, and meta descriptions.

    The intentions of your keywords are important. The purpose a user has in mind when searching for a specific keyword is known as keyword intent. There are four different types of keyword intent:

    • Directional Intent: users use these keywords to search for a specific website or place. For example, "How far is", "where is", and "Direction".
    • Educational Intent: users use these keywords to find information on a specific subject. Examples include "What is" and "How to".
    • Transactional Intent: users use these keywords to look for products or services to make a purchase. Examples are "How much" and "Payment".
    • Lateral Intent: users use these keywords to look for products or topics related to one another. Say, "An alternative for". It is also recommended to use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, Wordtracker, Ubersuggest, AnswerThePublic, Keywords Everywhere and KWFinder
  2. Improve your product pages: since product pages have the most impact on conversions, they are undoubtedly the most crucial ones on an ecommerce website. You can improve the content of your product pages by using relevant keywords in product titles, meta descriptions and product descriptions. You should also use a product-tagging system to ensure that products are precisely classified and effectively optimized for relevant keywords.

  3. Use image alt text: since search engines cannot read images, providing alt text to your product images enables them to know what the image is about. It becomes easier for search engines to crawl your website and raises its position in search results.

  4. Web performance optimization: a slow website might result in a high bounce rate and a low search engine rating. Ensure that you use content delivery networks(CDN), image compression, and code minification to increase the speed at which your website loads.

  5. Utilize structured data: using structured data will help your ecommerce website perform better in search engine results. Structured data allows you to provide details about products and services, such as customer reviews, ratings, and discounts. Structured data can also assist search engines in better understanding the context of your website and index your content.

  6. Create unique content: for ecommerce SEO, developing unique content about your products and services is essential. You can increase the organic traffic to your website by creating educational and helpful content. Additionally, you can boost traffic and conversions by including links to product pages within your content.

  7. Optimize your URLs: users may find it simpler to understand what is on each product or category page if URLs are simplified. URLs should be brief and descriptive, contain relevant keywords, and use hyphens to separate words. As a result, the URL will be easier to read, and indexing the page will be simpler for search engine crawlers.

  8. Monitor your site performance: to ensure the success of your SEO efforts and achieve your desired results, it is essential to regularly monitor the performance of your website. This will help you identify any areas that may need improvement. This can help you make necessary adjustments and improvements to your website in order to increase its visibility and improve its performance in search engine results pages.

    You may track your page load times, server response times, and other metrics by using tools like Google Analytics,, and Pingdom to keep an eye on the performance of your website.

    To evaluate the effectiveness of your page and pinpoint areas for development, you can also employ browser development tools. You may also set up alerts or notifications to be informed if the performance of your website drops below a predetermined level. Monitoring your site's performance on a regular basis will help you find and fix any performance problems and make sure that your site is operating effectively.

  9. Monitor your backlinks: by keeping track of your backlinks, you can find any broken links or spam links that can affect your search engine rankings. You can watch and monitor backlinks using tools like Ahrefs or Moz and then utilize the information to improve your ecommerce SEO strategy. This can assist you in determining which websites add value and which might harm the reputation of your website.

    A backlink tracking tool allows you to track and evaluate the backlinks to your ecommerce website. It provides data on the quantity, quality, relevancy, and the domains of the backlinks. This information can help you improve your website's search engine rankings.

    To monitor your backlinks, you can follow these steps:

    • Join a backlink tracking service and add your website to the service.
    • Create a list of your backlinks with the tool. A list of the websites and pages that are linked to your website will normally be provided by the program.
    • Examine the list of backlinks and judge the value and significance of each. Avoid links from spammy or low-quality websites and seek out backlinks from pertinent websites.
    • Follow any alterations or additions to the backlinks throughout time. Usually, the program will send messages or alerts whenever new backlinks are added or old backlinks are deleted.
    • Increase the number of high-quality backlinks to your website by optimizing your link-building strategies using the data from the backlink monitoring tool. By doing this, you can raise your website's search engine rankings and increase traffic.
  10. Utilize internal linking: internal linking is a fantastic technique to enhance user experience on your website and facilitate easy content crawling for search engines. Be careful to connect from each page to the appropriate product pages and categories.

    An ecommerce website can use internal linking in the following ways:

    • Links to comparable or related products should be added to product pages so that customers can simply find related things and browse your whole catalog.
    • Link to category pages from the main navigation: To make it easier for users to reach the various product categories on your website, provide links to your category pages in the main menu.
    • Link to product pages from category pages: On each category page, include links to specific product pages so visitors may quickly access this information and add things to their cart.
    • Link to popular or featured products: To draw attention to your best-selling or most popular things, include links to popular or featured products on your homepage and other prominent pages.

    Utilizing internal linking can make it easier for consumers to explore your website and find new products, which will increase the likelihood that they will make a purchase.

    With these tips, you should see a significant change in your ecommerce search engine ranking, and also a noticeable improvement in sales and engagements.

Building SEO-enabled ecommerce websites with Medusa

Medusa is a powerful open-source platform for building ecommerce websites that allows you to quickly and easily create highly optimized online stores. The platform is designed to assist business owners and entrepreneurs in setting up profitable online shops that are search engine optimized.

With Medusa, it's simple to manage customer orders, keep track of inventory, and develop aesthetically pleasing user-friendly websites. Advanced capabilities like real-time analytics and automated inventory management are also available on the platform.

To further help you build a unique website experience, Medusa gives you access to a variety of configurable themes and plugins. Medusa is a great choice for organizations that want to quickly create an ecommerce website with SEO capabilities. This is because Medusa has a user-friendly design that is easy to use.


In conclusion, SEO plays a crucial role in the success of any ecommerce website. You can make sure that your website is optimized for search engines by using the advice provided in this article. This will help you rank higher, attract more visitors, and eventually boost sales. Your ecommerce website will also stand out from the crowd and realizes its full potential with a little effort and commitment.

You can reach out to the Medusa team via Discord if you have any inquiries about Medusa or you run into any problems using it. You can get personalized assistance and get your questions answered in real-time by contacting the Medusa team on Discord.

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cocoandrew profile image

This was really helpful