DEV Community

Clark Weckmann
Clark Weckmann

Posted on • Originally published at on

Homer Dashboard

Self-hosting is becoming more and more popular, with that comes hosting for fun not just for function. I cannot begin to count the number of projects I've spun up just to play with. This doesn't mean you have to keep them forever though. It does mean, however, that organization is a must!

I've used bookmarks, notes, and default dashboards to keep track of my day-to-day services, as well as my random projects. With the dashboard becoming more popular I've tried a lot of pre-built ones like DashMachine, Flame, Dashy, and so many more! I finally landed on one that I will be keeping for awhile - Homer.

Special thanks to WalkxCode on GitHub (u/Walker_21390 on Reddit) for their amazing Homer theme, without this I wouldn't have chosen Homer as my day-to-day dashbaord.

With that out of the way, let's get started!

To begin let's install homer with Docker.

docker run -d \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v </your/local/assets/>:/www/assets \
  --restart=always \

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Don't forget to configure the port and set your volume.

Homer has a configuration file located at ./assets/config.yml . This is where we'll be configuring Homer. If you navigate to http://localhost:8080 you'll see your Homer Dashboard.

The dashboard game is all about how functional and how fancy your dashboard is. WalkxCode made this incredibly easy for us. They have the easy to follow instruction over on Github. Check out their write-up here.


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