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Dino for Wizard Health

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ActiveRecord associations, scoped

ActiveRecord as a neat trick/ability which a lot of folks are not aware of.

You can pass a block to association, for example:

class Account < ApplicationRecord
 has_many :users, -> { where(admin: true) }

class User < ApplicationRecord
 belongs_to :account
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What makes this even more interesting is that you can have multiple associations to the same model with different name and conditions.

class Account < ApplicationRecord
 has_many :users
 has_many :admin_users, -> { where(admin: true) }, class_name: "User"
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Calling @account.users will return collection of all users, but calling @account.admin_users will return collection of only admin users.

To make things even more interesting, when creating a new record through the association will comply with the association condition.

@account.admin_users.create(name: "Admin User")
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creates a new user with admin set to true.

Since, condition executes in the context of the association object, you can also use scopes.

class Account < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :users
  has_many :admin_users, -> { admins }, class_name: "User"

class User < ApplicationRecord
 belongs_to :account

 scope :admins, -> { where(admin: true) }

@account.admin_users # Works the same as examples above
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This associations will also work for eager loading also, calling
Account.includes(:admin_users) will eager load admin users.

ActiveRecord can accomplish this because associations are built from Relation objects, and you can use Relation syntax to customize them.

Isn't this neat!

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