DEV Community

Discussion on: How have many without a college education broken into the industry?

wingpuah profile image

I am a frontend developer without a degree of any kind in Singapore. You could say I stumble upon the tech industry (happily so). When I first graduate with my diploma (in Singapore, this is the level post-secondary and pre-degree).

Started as a show presenter in the zoo, went into fitness, started my own event startup. Through my startup, I did some web freelance job and volunteer for non-profit. Slowly I manage to get a good enough portfolio. First started working full-time in a blockchain company ran by one of my client's husband. And slowly, through continuous learning, personal branding and giving talks, I manage to transit to a front end developer role in my current company.

I wrote an article about my transition on medium: Against all odds: How I rebrand myself from a zoo show presenter to a fitness instructor to a technologist

srleyva profile image
Stephen Leyva (He/Him)

I have a friend trying to make a career change breaking into the development industry. I gave them your story and they said it’s quite inspiring! Thanks for taking the time to answer!

wingpuah profile image

Thanks for sharing :)