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MAUI, Security, Sharepoint


OpenID Connect authentication with Azure Active Directory

Enable your ASP.NET Core web app to sign in users and call Microsoft Graph with the Microsoft identity platform

Tutorial - Enable your Web Apps to sign-in users and call APIs with the Microsoft identity platform for developers

Claims xray in azure AD with directory extension

Registering the sample apps with the Microsoft identity platform and updating the configuration files using PowerShell

Configure identity providers

Overview MSAL

Build .NET apps with Microsoft Graph

Enable your ASP.NET Core web app to sign in users and call Microsoft Graph with the Microsoft identity platform

Granting access via Azure AD App-Only
Modernization scanner

Sharepoint Online not modern and Postman

SharePoint Online REST API access using AAD Client ID and Client Secret

Get metadata for a list

MAUI Github repo
What's new in MAUI-Expander
MAUI communication Microsoft.Maui.Networking
MAUI Samples V.7
MAUI Samples v.7

Scoop Util

Cub with staples

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