DEV Community

William Lake
William Lake

Posted on

Taming PgAdmin's SQL Formatting


The example query I'm using came from here.


I really appreciate PgAdmin and everyone who's built it.

Who knows what I'd be doing without their hard work.

More Qualifiers

I haven't read every line of their documentation. Maybe their setup instructions include this on the very first page. Maybe they've surrounded it with exclamation points and made it bold & red. The point is, if they did- I missed it. If you find this helpful- great! If not, that's ok too. Take what works and leave the rest. Or don't, I'm not the cops.

Getting to the Point

Very Compact SQL

Option Value
Re-indent aligned? True
Re-indent? False
Spaces around operators? False
Tab size 2
Use spaces? True

Compact Format

Less Compact Easier to Read

Option Value
Re-indent aligned? True
Re-indent? True
Spaces around operators? False
Tab size 2
Use spaces? True

Less Compact Format

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