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Discussion on: Start your app the right way! Featuring React, styled-system, styled components and Typescript

whurleyedcc profile image
William Hurley

This would be much easier to follow along with if you specified which file each snippet should go.

whurleyedcc profile image
William Hurley

It looks like there's also a missing dev dependency: @types/react-router-dom. You have it in your repo's package.json, but it's not listed above as a dependency to install. It is needed for LinkProps.

whurleyedcc profile image
William Hurley • Edited

One more thing I found. Your initial command to create the project, npx create-react-app react-styleguide --typescript isn't entirely correct and just creates a standard JS project. From :

npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
jdcas89 profile image
Juan David C.

Thank you for your suggestions man. I will update the article when I get the chance this weekend.