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Discussion on: Web Development === Accessibility

whiteoakamplification profile image

I will bookmark and send link to a bootcamp discord server chat where I literally asked if accessibility and the standards expected by search engine bots would be covered. Only the sound of crickets replied. What is most useful about the article is the many links providing solutions to be designed before any code is written. Thanks so much.

abbeyperini profile image
Abbey Perini

Yeah, we didn't touch on it at all in my bootcamp. I got lucky and got a suggested pre-work document from a different teacher than I had, which made a point to say we should read the guide I linked from MDN.

I wrote the HTTP 101 series for a similar reason. I'm looking forward to writing a Web Security 101 series after I learned a lot from the basic web security training for my current role.

whiteoakamplification profile image

Perhaps you can answer a question: is there a default CSS that IS considered accessible that would be a standard to adhere to which already exists? Is there some website that would be a best case scenario template? Thanks

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abbeyperini profile image
Abbey Perini • Edited

For CSS in general, the most I can give you is HTML = content, CSS = presentation and guides like MDN's and WebAIM's with best practices. It tends to be more like googling "accessible component" rather than boilerplate CSS for a whole page, if that makes sense.

CSS frameworks usually have plugins and guides in their docs, but I'm big on learning CSS like you would JavaScript when you are starting out. It will help you in the long run.