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Hyperiondev - Web Development bootcamp. Dec 22

Here begins an idea of tracking my progress through a bootcamp

The concept being that writing an explanation of what I'm learning will in turn re-enforce concepts and lessons learnt.

So as of Mon 5th December I intend to log my progress day upon day through the online bootcamp provided by hyperiondev.

I was lucky to get a fully paid scholarship for this education at a time I was considering my of the other bootcamps out there.

My coding background - Having toyed with code over the past two or so years, drifting from tutorial to tutorial, freecodecamp to codecademy, youtube channel to dev blog post. I've gathered a rough bunch of understanding of html, CSS, JS, python, flask, SQLite. However whenever it comes to actually building something my house of cards quickly tumbles to the ground.
I even made it through the rather excellent Harvard CS50x course. Yet despite feeling like a superhero at the end of it, I still struggled to implement what I thought I'd learnt.
SO it's thime for a more focused and mentored track. One which I hope will reaffirm my knowledge and build out from that foundation. Also one which will challenge me to reach out to employers, to network and to see what skills and projects the real world needs. Here I feel is the real benefit of the bootcamp experience.

So let us see.

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