DEV Community

Lalit Kumar
Lalit Kumar

Posted on

The server reached maxrequestworkers setting, consider raising the maxrequestworkers setting.

If you are encountering this error it does not mean that anything is wrong with your Apache or Apache MaxRequestWorkets settings. You can not make any changes to Apache. This error means that one of your apps has a slow PHP script or receiving a huge number of requests that your PHP script is unable to answer requests as quickly as they are coming.

title: "originally posted here 👇"


Reason for this error:

PHP can execute a limited number of requests for each app. If the PHP script is executing very slowly even with a small amount of traffic then your limit has been reached. When the number of queued requests for PHP becomes too large then you see “Server reached MaxRequestWorkers setting” error message.

Identifying a slow PHP script:

In this situation, look at your apps PHP slow log that is located at;


Here X.Y is the version of PHP on which your app is running for example php5.6.

Identify a large amount of traffic to a PHP script:
If you are unable to see any slow requests, then you need to check your apps PHP access log at;


This will be used when you are receiving a large number of requests that you cannot expect.

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