Yooo guys! with use-places-autocomplete you can build your own places autocomplete UI like the following demo in 10 minutes, no kidding 😉
⚡️ Try yourself: https://use-places-autocomplete.netlify.app
- 🧠 Provides intelligent places suggestions powered by Google Maps Places API.
- 🎣 Builds your own customized autocomplete UI by React hook.
- 🔧 Utility functions to do geocoding and get geographic coordinates using Google Maps Geocoding API.
- 🤑 Built-in cache mechanism for you to save the cost of Google APIs.
- 💰 Built-in debounce mechanism for you to lower the cost of Google APIs.
- 🚀 Supports asynchronous Google script loading.
- 📜 Supports TypeScript type definition.
- ⌨️ Builds a UX-rich component (e.g. WAI-ARIA compliant and keyword support) via comprehensive demo code.
- 🦔 Tiny size (~ 1.7KB gzipped). No external dependencies, aside for the
How does it work?
First, use the script
tag to load the library in your project.
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY&libraries=places"></script>
Start to build our component. Check the API out to learn more.
import usePlacesAutocomplete, {
} from "use-places-autocomplete";
import useOnclickOutside from "react-cool-onclickoutside";
const PlacesAutocomplete = () => {
const {
suggestions: { status, data },
} = usePlacesAutocomplete({
requestOptions: {
/* Define search scope here */
debounce: 300,
const ref = useOnclickOutside(() => {
// When user clicks outside of the component, we can dismiss
// the searched suggestions by calling this method
const handleInput = (e) => {
// Update the keyword of the input element
const handleSelect =
({ description }) =>
() => {
// When user selects a place, we can replace the keyword without request data from API
// by setting the second parameter to "false"
setValue(description, false);
// Get latitude and longitude via utility functions
getGeocode({ address: description }).then((results) => {
const { lat, lng } = getLatLng(results[0]);
console.log("📍 Coordinates: ", { lat, lng });
const renderSuggestions = () =>
data.map((suggestion) => {
const {
structured_formatting: { main_text, secondary_text },
} = suggestion;
return (
<li key={place_id} onClick={handleSelect(suggestion)}>
<strong>{main_text}</strong> <small>{secondary_text}</small>
return (
<div ref={ref}>
placeholder="Where are you going?"
{/* We can use the "status" to decide whether we should display the dropdown or not */}
{status === "OK" && <ul>{renderSuggestions()}</ul>}
Easy right? This is the magic of the usePlacesAutocomplete
✨. I just show you how does it work via the minimal example. However there're more things you can do for a UX rich autocomplete component, like WAI-ARIA compliant and keyword support as my demo (check the code), a keyword clear button, search history etc.
💡 react-cool-onclickoutside is my other hook library, which can help you handle the interaction of user clicks outside of the component(s).
Thanks for reading, for more usage details checkout the project's GitHub page: https://github.com/wellyshen/use-places-autocomplete
You can also install this package is distributed via npm.
$ yarn add use-places-autocomplete
# or
$ npm install --save use-places-autocomplete
When working with TypeScript you need to install the @types/googlemaps as a devDependencies
$ yarn add --dev @types/googlemaps
# or
$ npm install --save-dev @types/googlemaps
Top comments (15)
I am trying to write tests (with Jest and Enzyme) for the demo, but the data array is always empty (and status is not "OK")... Any ideas on how to solve the problem or where to find tests of the demo ?
You can mock the Google Map API like this: github.com/wellyshen/use-places-au...
These are test for the package that I am using ('use-places-autocomplete'), but I want to test my own implementation (which I used this package for)
You can use jest mock functions to mock this library and let it responses the status and data that you want.
If you still don't know how to do it, feel free to leave an issue on the repo.
hi, thanks for this amazing hook
I have a question, How can i integrate this hook with useScript -usehooks.com/useScript/
to load google map script asyncly?
I get below error
'> 💡use-places-autocomplete: Google Maps Places API library must be loaded. See: github.com/wellyshen/use-places-au...';
I am getting the same error, has anyone found a solution for this?
Hi Welly, this is really nicely designed! One concern though, you're using a script tag to bring in the google maps api, but that exposes the API key to the user. Any ideas on how to keep the key safe?
Google has provided many way to limit the usage of the API key. You can configure it via Google Cloud Console (console.cloud.google.com)
Sometimes the "ready" is false, so the input is disabled. How to solve this problem?
Can you give me an open issue with a minimal reproduced repo, thank you.
Hi Welly , its really nice but while using the package I can't limit to one particular country is there any possible way ?
Hey Welly that's cool! But do you know if I can use it with Gatsby(a react based language)?
Your demo isn't working