DEV Community

Discussion on: How to generate automatically components/ pages/hooks on your code with PlopJS.

websnake profile image
Doug Snyder

I thought the topic was interesting and wopudl give me a fsrt way to explore plopjs. I started following your instructions and then found that you expect my to copy like 20 lines of code from an image file for index.js instead copying from a tag or github repo. I realized this wasn't a short cut to learning plop and abondoned the tutorial having wasted time setting up a project already. I suggest you either share code in a way that is sharteable or mention somewhere upfron that this is not a tutorial where you'll be able to replicate ... but only to read.

vikirobles profile image
Vicky Vasilopoulou

I tried to share the code and sometimes half of the lines would be in a way to copy the code and half would look bad so I decided to share the pictures. Thank you for mentioning it will do.

vikirobles profile image
Vicky Vasilopoulou

I think now is much better and I hope you can use it