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Discussion on: How do you deal with burnout and low motivation?

webreaper profile image
Mark Otway

It sounds like you're talking about burnout with personal time coding (although this may be affecting your day job too). At the moment there's this insane pressure from social media that people have to have huge active portfolios of code all written in their personal time, and a github profile that's a sea of green. That is not the case. You don't need to compromise your personal life by coding all day and all night. Do something entirely different - walk, cycle, work in the garden, watch a movie, make a pot, whatever. Coding is hugely mentally draining, and if you do it for 10 hours a day at work then don't be surprised if you don't want to do it at home all the time too.

If you're feeling lack of motivation and burnout at work, then it probably means your project is boring, your manager is bad, or both. Take mobility if you work in a large enough company, or if not, consider a new role. A change is as good as a rest, but also your team and manager will have a huge effect on your motivation and drive. Don't just keep slogging at it - for there lies the road to ruin.

rjpsyco009 profile image
Ryan Norton

I swear I was in the process of replying to you in November.
Thank you for the great advice. My issue, though, is that I don't yet have a job in tech. I'm a welder for 40 hours a week, so personal time in coding is vital.

I learned now, that after I graduated in the summer that I had seriously exhausted myself. Lack of sleep and other life priorities coming up, I dabbled some in python basics, but for 2018... That's as far as I got. Most of my extra time has been job searching, and still is... But 2019 is the year that I plan to work at my own pace, making the most of my time. It's gonna be a good year!

azelalynetan profile image
Azel Tan

"If you're feeling lack of motivation and burnout at work" - this hits me hard.
I'm considering your advice, actually I have a good manager, and a good company. I have no issues with them. But I am not receiving satisfaction in my work, sometimes it feels empty.

And right now, it's hard to motivate myself. I am lost. Sometimes, I will go out for a walk and after that I will be okay but it's only for temporary.