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How to Create a Simple Web App Using JavaScript UI Library

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JavaScript was designed for developing simple web applications with interactive interfaces. So far, it has become a highly demanded skill among programmers as it can create rather complex solutions with a limited number of code lines. Together with HTML and CSS, JS has proved to be a powerful programming language. While HTML deals with the structure and contents of the application, CSS is responsible for the style, JavaScript deals with the following tasks:

  • Interactivity. When we open up a site, all the buttons respond to our actions, the fields are validated and the pictures slide. All those activities are possible due to JS.
  • Animation. You are creative, and you want your site to grab users' attention at first sight. JavaScript is there for you. With modern frameworks and libraries, such as Three.js,Anime.js,Mo.js any imaginable animation is possible.
  • Games. JavaScript is probably not the best tool when it comes to the gaming industry. But it can be successfully used for something simple or as a learning tool for those who are into game development.

Why use a JS UI library?

JavaScript UI library is a set of tools and components that can be used as ready-made pieces in the development process. Such an approach shortens the time on the development, as you do not need to create everything from scratch. Besides, it is convenient if you want to show the prototype of the future project to your clients. JS libraries provide junior developers with a learning tool. They gain experience by studying the principles of building apps with ready-made widgets.

How to create an app?

There is a wide variety of JS libraries on the market. Some of them are more well-known, like React or jQuery, others are less popular but not less productive, such as Webix. Let's briefly outline the steps of creating a simple web app with a JS library:

  1. The first step will be to define what app you need. Is it a messenger tool or an app for tracking someone's progress, or a simple project management solution?
  2. The second step will be to set up the budget. Whether you prefer to rely on an open space solution or you have a sum that you are ready to invest into your project. The first option leads to much independent work. You might have a difficult time trying to figure out how things should best work for you. If you opt for buying a license, that will guarantee technical support, detailed documentation, and probably some mentoring from the side of the developers. Everything depends on the product and you'd better choose the one that is regularly updated.
  3. The third step is the most interesting one. Get started and fire away.

Since there is enough information on the web about open-source solutions, let's look at the library which is less popular but surely worthy of attention. Webix UI library has gained 4.8 out of 5 on Capterra. The library has been developed by XB Software since 2008. It is regularly updated, there is a blog with lots of reviews of the users. Many of them note the responsive support, the convenience of outsourcing services, and the speed and ease of building apps with the help of the Webix complex widgets. The downsides of the library mentioned are the documentation which is quite restricted and the lack of examples of combining Webix with TypeScript.

What are the apps easy to create?

  • If you need to deal with data, folders, and documents, you will benefit from the File Manager or Document Manager widgets.
  • If you are interested in project management, the Kanban widget will be handy.
  • Webix Scheduler will help to develop a simple event calendar, that will be compatible with mobile devices.
  • Chat widget is a tool for the messenger application.


The purpose of any JS library is to make the life of a developer easier. Webix UI library successfully copes with this task. The number of tools ready to be used is staggering, the Webix team does its best to improve and to enhance their offspring. In general, the JavaScript language has gained a stable position in the IT development process and it will continue supporting its reputation with the help of libraries and frameworks that are designed to help programmers.

Top comments (2)

gizilhn profile image

If you choose to purchase a license, this will provide technical support, detailed documentation and possibly some guidance from the developer. It all depends on the product and you'd better choose a product that is updated regularly. thank u for this content.

webixui profile image

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