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Web developer

Location Cologne, Germany Joined Joined on  github website
Automatically generate favicons and inject them into HTML with Webpack

Automatically generate favicons and inject them into HTML with Webpack

4 min read

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3D parallax effect by moving mouse using CSS

3D parallax effect by moving mouse using CSS

Comments 16
1 min read
Comparison and Benchmarks of Node.js libraries to colorize text in terminal

Comparison and Benchmarks of Node.js libraries to colorize text in terminal

Comments 1
8 min read
Auto generate integrity attribute for script and style tags in HTML using Webpack

Auto generate integrity attribute for script and style tags in HTML using Webpack

2 min read
Using HTML Bundler Plugin for Webpack to generate HTML files

Using HTML Bundler Plugin for Webpack to generate HTML files

Comments 1
5 min read
Keep output directory structure in Webpack

Keep output directory structure in Webpack

2 min read
New way to build a web application with Webpack

New way to build a web application with Webpack

Comments 2
3 min read