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waziri ally amiri
waziri ally amiri

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How to Make Your Laravel Local Host Project Globally Accessible Using Ngrok for Client Showcases

In the world of web development, showcasing your work to clients is an essential part of the process. While developing a Laravel project locally provides a controlled environment, sharing your progress with clients or team members who are not physically present can be challenging. Enter Ngrok – a powerful tool that enables you to expose your local server to the internet securely. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the steps to make your Laravel localhost project globally accessible using Ngrok, ensuring smooth client showcases and collaboration.

What is Ngrok?

Ngrok is a tunneling service that creates secure tunnels to your localhost, allowing you to expose your local server to the internet. It provides a temporary public URL that anyone can access, which is incredibly useful for sharing your work during development stages.

Step 1: Installation and Setup

  1. Download and install Ngrok from the official website (
  2. Extract the downloaded file and place it in a directory of your choice.
  3. Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where Ngrok is located.
  4. Authenticate your Ngrok account by running the command: ./ngrok authtoken YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN.

Step 2: Starting Your Laravel Project

  1. Navigate to your Laravel project directory in the terminal.
  2. Start your local Laravel development server by running: php artisan serve.

Step 3: Creating a Public Tunnel with Ngrok

  1. In the terminal, navigate to the directory where Ngrok is located.
  2. Create a public tunnel for your Laravel project by running: ./ngrok http 8000 (assuming your Laravel server is running on port 8000).
  3. Ngrok will generate a temporary public URL (e.g., that maps to your localhost.

Step 4: Sharing the Public URL

  1. Copy the Ngrok-generated public URL from the terminal.
  2. Share this URL with your clients or team members, allowing them to access your Laravel project from anywhere in the world.

Tips for a Smooth Client Showcase:

  1. Security Considerations: While Ngrok provides a convenient way to share your local project, be cautious with sensitive data. Make sure to remove or secure any confidential information before sharing the URL.

  2. Debugging and Monitoring: Ngrok offers a web interface (http://localhost:4040) where you can monitor traffic, inspect requests, and view error logs. This can be immensely helpful for debugging during showcases.

  3. Ngrok Custom Subdomains: Ngrok provides an option to create custom subdomains for your tunnels. This can make your URLs more user-friendly and professional. Refer to the Ngrok documentation for more details.

  4. Usage Limits: Keep in mind that Ngrok's free version has usage limitations. For extensive or long-term usage, consider upgrading to a paid plan.

Ngrok is a fantastic tool that empowers developers to make their local Laravel projects globally accessible, facilitating seamless client showcases and collaboration. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently share your progress with clients, receive feedback, and ensure that your projects meet their expectations, no matter where they are located. Remember to prioritize security and keep best practices in mind while utilizing Ngrok for your development workflow.

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