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What is try except Python?

Have you ever tried to divide a number by zero? What happened? Your computer probably crashed. That's because dividing by zero is an error. Errors are things that go wrong in your code. They can happen for a lot of reasons, like if you type something wrong or if you try to do something that's not possible.

How does try except Python work?

Try except Python is a way to handle errors in your code. It's like a safety net that catches errors and prevents your code from crashing. When you use try except Python, you tell your computer to try to run some code. If an error happens, the computer will run the except block instead. The except block is where you can put code to handle the error.

How to use try except Python

You can use try except Python to handle any kind of error. For example, you could use it to handle errors when opening files, errors when accessing the internet, or errors when parsing data.

Here's an example of how to use try except Python to open a file:

  file = open("my_file.txt", "r")
  print("Error opening file!")
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If you run this code and the file doesn't exist, the except block will run and print the message "Error opening file!".


Try except Python is a powerful tool that can help you to prevent your code from crashing. It's a simple but effective way to handle errors, and it's a great way to make your code more robust.

Here are some tips for using try except Python:

  • Use try except Python whenever you're doing something that could potentially cause an error.
  • Be specific about the errors that you want to handle.
  • Put your code that could cause an error in the try block.
  • Put your code to handle the error in the except block.

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