OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is a library of programming functions mainly for real-time computer vision.
But it's installation can be very tricky in an environment like Linux, so let's follow a correct installation process
Build OpenCV for Python and C++ from sources
Let's open the most recent release of opencv to the date of this video capturing: a tmp folder for all archives:
mkdir ~/opencv4.5-tmp && cd ~/opencv4.5-tmp
We need to download opencv sources:
wget -O
We need to download opencv-contrib sources:
wget -O
Unzip the opencv files:
Unzip the opencv-contrib files:
Move the files to simple directories:
mv opencv-4.5.1/ opencv
Move opencv-contrib files to simple directories:
mv opencv_contrib-4.5.1/ opencv_contrib
Make build directory:
cd opencv && mkdir build && cd build
Copy and run the following command. Install cmake if it is not available on the system.
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/opencv4.5-custom \
-D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=~/opencv4.5-tmp/opencv_contrib/modules \
- Make the project:
make -j4
- Install opencv:
sudo make install
- Ensure that it is updated in the library storage:
sudo ldconfig
## Configure C++ project to work with opencv
- Open your editor of choice (vim in my case)
- Create a folder "~/projects/HelloOpenCV"
- Paste the
code to themain.cpp
- Firstly, let's try to compile our application with g++ as usual:
g++ -Wall -o main main.cpp
We see that it cannot find our library headers
- For that we need to provide path to the headers and linker flags. The best way to find them all in one place is to use the utility module pkg-config. Remember we provided an additional argument to our cmake generation? So, let's execute the following:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/home/parallels/opencv4.5-custom/lib/pkgconfig
pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv4
- Add all flags to compilation command:
g++ -Wall -o main main.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv4)
or a more explicit version for our particular sample:
g++ -Wall -o main main.cpp \
-I/home/parallels/opencv4.5-custom/include/opencv4 \
-L/home/parallels/opencv4.5-custom/lib \
-lopencv_highgui -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_core
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