Method of writing HTML code in VS Code
Writing HTML code in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is straightforward and follows these steps:
Open VS Code: Launch the Visual Studio Code editor on your computer.
Create a new folder
After opening the VS code, set up the new folder.
Create a New File: Either open an existing HTML file or create a new file by selecting File > New File from the menu, or using the shortcut Ctrl + N (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + N (Mac).
Set File Type: If you created a new file, save it with an .html extension. This helps VS Code recognize it as an HTML file and provides syntax highlighting and other helpful features.
Start Writing HTML: Begin writing your HTML code. VS Code provides autocomplete suggestions and syntax highlighting to assist you as you type.
Code Formatting: VS Code can automatically format your HTML code for consistency. Use Shift + Alt + F (Windows/Linux) or Shift + Option + F (Mac) to format the entire document or a selected portion.
Preview in Browser: You can install extensions like "Live Server" or simply open the HTML file in a web browser to preview your webpage.
Save Your Work: Remember to save your changes periodically (Ctrl + S or Cmd + S) to keep your HTML file up to date.
Running of Code with Live Server
After writing the coding, the written code is run with Live Server
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