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Spring Boot Actuator and its Impact on Web Application Monitoring

Monitoring an application or a product is an important aspect of growth and business development. Many companies are leveraging software services to maintain and improve their production environment.

Companies dealing with outdated tools may face a sudden error, and if you are unaware of it and the customers notice anything, the product will have a negative impact.

Therefore, to solve this type of problem Spring boot actuator has a fantastic module that can easily manage and monitor your production and make you aware of the error before the customer notices it. In this article, we will look at the features and the impact of the Spring boot actuator on web application monitoring.

Key Features of Spring Boot Actuator on web applications

Spring boot Actuator is dominant among other tools for managing and monitoring Spring boot applications to provide effective results and generate high traffic. Here are some essential features of the Spring boot actuator.


It enables you to keep track of and gather numerous application-related metrics. You can use these metrics to detect problems and enhance the general health of your application as well as to better understand the behavior and performance of your application.

In addition to these metrics, it allows you to develop and share your own unique metrics. Any custom metrics that you find helpful or metrics linked to the business logic of your application can be collected and published using Micrometer.

Health Indicators

Health indicators can be utilized to assess the condition of your application. The Health indicator uses a health endpoint to report data on the overall condition of the application. Other than this, there are other indicators, such as

  • DiskSpaceHealthIndicator
  • DataSourceHealthIndicator
  • RabbitHealthIndicator
  • ElasticsearchHealthIndicator
  • SolrHealthIndicator


There are numerous configuration options offered by Spring Actuator that can be utilized to alter the Actuator endpoints. such as

  • Endpoint configuration
  • Endpoint path configuration
  • Sensitive endpoint configuration
  • Health indicator configuration
  • Custom endpoint configuration

This configuration also provides various settings for the spring actuator, such as logging for the endpoint, logfile, and metrics endpoint. By this configuration endpoint, it is easily possible to monitor and manage your spring boot application.


It would be best if you properly protected your business applications because they include important information about your customers. This sensitive information can be protected by actuator endpoints, and this can be secured using a variety of methods, including custom security setups and simple authentication. Here are some of the security features.

  • Security endpoint
  • Sensitive endpoints
  • Custom security configuration
  • Integration with external security tools

These features provide a way to secure your business applications by monitoring and managing them.
Apart from this, it has the ability to protect from unwanted access and security breach.

Built-in Endpoints

Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints can be accessed via JMX and HTTP, HTTP-based Actuator endpoints which are more frequently used when they are simple to utilize with different browsers.

Impact of Spring Boot Actuator on Web Application Monitoring

Spring boot has delivered an outstanding performance in developing an application in the past years. But, Spring boot Actuator has made a significant impact on monitoring and managing the application. There is a range of features and tools it provides to help the Spring boot developer to monitor and manage the application more effectively. Now we will see the key elements that will impact monitoring the web applications.

Improved visibility

The performance and visibility of the application will be improved with the range of endpoints for better performance and configuration. The most important this is it will completely change the view of the web application and how it is functioning.

Real-time monitoring

It will deliver real-time monitoring for better performance of web applications, which will benefit the spring developers as it identifies the issues and respond to them quickly. This will reduce time in identifying the issue and improve the performance of web applications.

Security monitoring

The Boot Actuator has built security that detects security breaches, threats, and other suspicious activities that take place in and web application. The Spring boot experts can quickly react to security threats and protect from such attacks by security monitoring.

Customizable metrics

The actuator serves a range of customized metrics through which tracking of particular aspects and the performance of web applications can be enhanced. Such customized metrics help the operation teams to understand the performance and identify the area that needs to be improved.


Concluding the overall impact of Spring boot Actuator on web applications performance, the features and the tools it provides for monitoring help the operation teams to manage their web applications effectively. Therefore, firms dealing with performance issues of their web applications can leverage this Spring boot services by hiring java spring boot developers from the best software development company and improve web App performance.

Top comments (1)

avivm profile image
Aviv Mor • Edited

Great post! We developed an open source desktop app that allows you to use the Actuator API with user friendly UI. Would love to hear what you think -