DEV Community

warris oladipupo
warris oladipupo

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Deploying VPC after creating your EC2 instances

After creating your ec2 instance which was my last post, we need to deploy VPC and in this course we are talking about aws vpc, and you can copy vpc resources on terraform website. To create your VPC,

We need to create a new new .tf file which I named, this file will contain your VPC resources
Image description
NOTE : all file created will work as one file.

after you've provided your resources , you need to apply the resources by typing terraform plan on your VScode terminal.

after that, you need the apply phase by typing terraform apply on your terminal.

your VScode will ask for confirmation to apply , type yes to confirmed and your VPC is created .

my next post will be creating internet gateways because we are going to be building developers environment together;

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