DEV Community

Discussion on: 🤔 What Would You Change About this Website?

warrendugan profile image
Warren Dugan

First I'd like to say this is a really cool initiative and I respect that you're reaching out to the community for feedback. Criticism may have a negative connotation but it can also have very positive outcomes if taken and given constructively. I try to aim for something like when doing actual code reviews but I think a lot of the sentiments can be carried into feedback in general.

While you are scoring rather well on there are some easy improvements you can make by combing through the listed "issues." For example, you can use to create webp variants of your png images to make a couple of those go away and improve your score further.

The results I got for the site on left a little to be desired but this could be out of your control. Not sure what/who you are using for hosting but you I like to create a lambda function to return security headers in front of my statically hosted S3 content to resolve some of these. For example,

Look and Feel:
I agree with some of the other feedback regarding FPA acronym explanation prominence. I think you could use the main hero headline to spell out the acronym then use the main CTA to drive the Join journey with something like "Join the FPA" for the button text. I think that would also set you up nicely for a secondary plain text link to link out to the PDF file. Also, I like to open any links to pages on a different domain and links to files in a new tab.

Semantic HTML is still useful and in my opinion improves developer experience if nothing else. As someone else stated using tables should be restricted to data. If you'd like examples for how you can achieve the layout alternatively I would start by taking a look at bootstrap snippets

I think the icons could be updated to match your aesthetic as indicated by Ben Halpern. I also think they should be left aligned to follow the text alignment. Additionally, I would suggest changing the large body of text in "Our Programs" section to be left aligned instead of justified to improve readability.

Overall, awesome work. The site looks great, is live, and has living content. Hope this helps! :)

williammcgonagle profile image
William McGonagle

Thank you so much for your time in your feedback! I will work on getting a better lighthouse score, but the security is a little hard to fix because we are using github pages at the moment.

I also really like your idea with the CTA and hero headline. And we will make the new file open in a new tab in the future. Also, we might switch over to building our own custom bootstrap solution so that we don't run into these problems.

Thanks again for the help :)