While working on a blog system, specifically the share buttons, i realized something interesting: there are no share buttons for Instagram, TikTok, or Snapchat. The reason is pretty clear – these platforms are primarily designed for sharing images and videos, not text. However, I thought there might be a simple solution to this.
People often take screenshots of text content to share it on these image/video-focused social networks. So, I came up with an idea to create a system that generates images, similar to a screenshot, specifically designed for sharing on these platforms.
The concept is straightforward: users select a piece of text they like, and the blog provides a card featuring the quote, author, and post URL. I call it PicQuote (picture + quote). There are various templates to choose from, and users can customize colors and font sizes for better presentation.
You can try out the system on my personal blog, for example, in this post where I introduce PicQuote (written in Portuguese).
I'd love to hear any feedback or suggestions you might have.
Would you be interested in a WordPress plugin for PicQuote? Would you like to collaborate on creating it? Let me know!
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