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I feel like the quality of posts in Dev is deteriorating

Disclaimer: I'd like to not point at any posts or link examples of the kind of posts that I'm talking about. I don't want to blame/mock/be mean to any of the authors.

Edit: I'm in the process of writing a post that will gather all the ideas in your comments and then classify them so that we can discuss their pros and cons together. Thank you all so very much for your time and effort in coming up with all kinds of ideas :)

I've finally had enough! The quality of posts in dev is seriously deteriorating, my feed is almost always polluted with posts that have near-clickbait titles or copy-paste tutorials that I've either seen on other platforms by different authors or just a cobbled-together mess of the top searches on Google, and sometimes it's a 1 to 1 match too! The author has not changed a single word.

The worst part of this nightmare is that some of these posts lack research effort. Dev is growing at a rapid rate, which means obviously a lot of new and aspiring developers hear about it. Eventually, they'll visit the platform, read a few posts, and then become regular readers or may end up contributing by writing about their journey. This is one of the best things about this platform, the fact that it is completely open for any developer no matter what their experience level is, to express themselves and their journey.

What's so nightmarish about all of this? The fact that these new and fresh minds will read content that is either outdated or just inaccurate. They'll build their foundations on these incorrect fundamentals and eventually end up having to correct themselves down the line. If you've ever had a bad habit, you know how difficult it is to get rid of it. You could say that this is an over-exaggeration of a trivial situation, one that exists across a lot of platforms, but that's how all problems start. Platforms that start out from being great and just pure awesome eventually end up turning into parasitic manipulative poison-breeders.

Now you might think that nobody should use a single source to base their foundations like that, but quite often that's how it works. When someone sufficiently influential says that something is good, large numbers of people will also think that particular thing is good. In the case of dev, because credible authors write brilliant posts, it may be difficult for a sufficiently inexperienced developer to distinguish what is correct from what is wrong simply because they don't know enough to make that judgment call and the fact that bad posts are mingled in the good posts.

I'd say I'm an avid reader, and I comment on a lot of such posts in dev particularly, pleading the authors to put more effort into doing research and developing their content structure but often times it just never ends up reaching the author.

So the question is, how do we solve this? Do we mock/demean/be rude to authors that make posts like that? The answer is and always will be NO. This is what happens over at Stackoverflow quite frequently (not all the time, and by no means am I saying that STO shouldn't be used), new developers feel intimated to participate in such communities because existing participants of the community retaliate pretty harshly when said individual in their opinion does not demonstrate that they're "worthy".

Most importantly, it does not solve the problem. What is the problem? Quite often, I believe that a lot of authors actually do put effort into their posts but the final product may not be up-to-par because:

  • The author does not have enough experience either in the topic that they're attempting to discuss or writing a post to properly express themselves or the idea behind the post. As a result, may use similar content to patch the holes by reading the top Google results.
  • The author does not know how to structure and deliver the content properly, due to a lack of inspiration or research effort.
  • The author is reposting an old post, without making the necessary updates.
  • The author does not have sufficient English proficiency to properly deliver key points.

And so on. However posts that represent an organization can not be excused, at least the author can not be excused. The author is at that point representing the organization. Regardless, I believe that posts that display any of these symptoms can still be salvaged with a little more effort and experience. How do we do so?

  • Direct the author to credible sources of information like documentation or well-received and up-to-date posts. When you do, please make sure you navigate them in such a way that they can find the content in question.
  • If you believe that you have the required experience to explain certain things that the post has got wrong, do so but without trying to sound condescending or mean. We do not want to discourage authors. We want to make them better!
  • If you feel like the post in question is a repost and lacks up-to-date information, outline the inconsistencies so that any new developer knows what's changed.

Among them, however, are ones that can not be salvaged and clearly demonstrate a pure lack of effort. At that point, it is possible and clearly evident that the goal is not to contribute but to just spit out content. These posts may be but aren't limited to:

  • Posts that have straight-up plagiarized content. There are quite a lot of these and it's an absolutely horrible thing. You're just stealing someone else's work to look good.
  • Posts that clearly "tease" content and make the reader navigate to a different platform to read the rest. This is no better than Medium's paywall.
  • Posts that include nothing but a video link, with no or little explanation or summary of what the link is about.
  • Posts that include a whole bunch of links or lines of text without explanations. You could call them resource lists. Resource lists are great, but ONLY when whatever it is, is explained well.
  • Improperly structured help or "do this thing for me pls" requests. Posts like this are thankfully rare but I've seen them.

And so on, I believe that posts like this should either be hidden from readers or it should be possible to calibrate the feed settings in such a way that those who are fine which such posts can see them. Plagiarization is a pretty serious thing, so I'd rather see authors just straight out not be able to post for a while to learn from their mistakes.

In addition to this, I believe that after a while on dev, I've been seeing repetitive posts on certain topics. I don't see anything wrong with it but when I drop off work, just sit back and relax to read something it kind of annoys me because I'm almost done with my tea by the time I've found something that is interesting enough. I feel like it should be possible for readers to calibrate their feed in such a way that they can just opt-out of such content so I can opt-in to read such topics and help someone out when I feel like it.

I am aware that you could prioritize the tags you want to follow, but for example, I can't opt-out of seeing posts for the #100DaysOfCode tag (again, not trying to be mean, there are just times I wanna learn something new and I'm also not saying that you can't learn anything new from posts with that particular tag). Maybe a blacklist of tags would do well for a situation like this.

Finally, I'd like to end this rant by asking any potential commenters to this post to have civil discussions. Criticize the idea, not the person. Share any of your thoughts, experiences, and what you think could be done to change/solve the problem or if you don't see it as a problem!

Latest comments (116)

alaindet profile image
Alain D'Ettorre

As the platform becomes more and more famous, it also contains more and more "noise" since anyone can write, it's inevitable. The only way to avoid this is by creating a barrier, as unpopular and as unfair this could sound. The barrier being some sign of approval from a team dedicated to revision. That said, a yet-to-be-approved good article will (should) still have more reactions and bubble up the list, but good AND approved articles would appear first anyway.

ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎 • Edited

Amen. 😇

programmerbyday profile image
Arman @programmerByDay

The titles are similar to youtube videos. Written to be a clickbait !

jimmont profile image
Jim Montgomery is an inclusive application with little barrier to entry. Inclusiveness always brings a wider range of content. Every platform has imperfections, look at Quora, Stackexchange/Stackoverflow and the Internet on the whole. Academia and journalism each has quite a lot of gatekeeping and criteria around publication. Identifying these obvious problems, especially without some substantive contribution or citation, in my opinion simply contributes to the problem.

klvenky profile image
Venkatesh KL

Thanks for writing this @mydrax. I even started feeling the same for the past month or so. I will list the issues I face a lot below:

  • I don't follow python, but follow web dev. I see posts like "Create a web service in 5 mins with flask"
  • My Awesome VSCode setup ranges from 10-50 extensions

Probably, what we could do was curate the beginner tagged resources so that the content which is already there in a better way can be shown as alternative, I know this can be little demotivating for new people who come to show their skills, but it would be good for community to have something that is consistent.

Also, I would like something like show what's in web-dev & not in python. So that I can curate lists which would be more useful for me.

dezfowler profile image
Derek Fowler • Edited

I wrote a post last year about this...

The situation has only gotten worse since then and, whilst I don't particularly mind the "10 things..." format, I agree that there needs to be a better way of differentiating fact from opinion.

Some other suggestions I made were things like version specific tags which could intelligently add a warning at the top of a post "This post is about an older version of X and may not be up to date". Also, I think a big thing missing on DEV is a way for other users to suggest edits for posts or be able to flag posts for moderation if their content is problematic in some way e.g. code samples contains SQL injection vulnerabilities. Stack Overflow has something like that and it definitely bring with it its own problems so really requires some thought about the implementation.

This stuff is always going to be hard but I definitely think things need to change because I've also noticed a big change in the comments sections on DEV. Where previously they were usually positive you can feel the community becoming more and more frustrated with the situation - would be interesting to do some sentiment analysis on the comments over time, I think.

Really want to avoid DEV becoming just another of those unfriendly communities it was set up to not be.

0sf profile image

It's time we introduce the downvote button.

mrdulin profile image


ama profile image
Adrian Matei • Edited's greatest advantage - "openness to post without peer review" might lead to its dismissal... :(

clawfire profile image
Thibault Milan

I'm using a service lately giving me a digest of the top post, every day, on dev by email (alongside many other information from other sources) and I share your feeling 100%. And must confess I lost all interests into DEV because of this :(

lukeocodes profile image
@lukeocodes 🕹👨‍💻 • Edited

Interesting take.

We love DEV but we're constantly drowned out by clickbait "this is why bootstrap is still relevant" and "10 ways to write a function". Our content generally performs well, but there is a downward trend.

I wrote a post on fetching a twitch status in a tiny lambda function and it's had less than 40 views in a week...

I've just been given the ability to classify low quality posts on DEV, as a moderator, and I'm trying to be objective.

Things I consider low quality:

  • posts linking to the rest of the article on their own blog
  • posts acting as a pricing page for courses...
  • posts with 1 paragraph and a 40 line code block - explain the code!
  • posts that just sell stuff
  • posts full of affiliate links
  • outdated content rehashed for 2020 but without really updating the content (2016 conclusions in 2020)
  • inaccurate posts
  • pure clickbait with no insightful information

In 10 reviews since I woke up to this new found POWERRR, 1 had been marked as high quality, 1 flagged to admins, 8 low quality. Low quality posts will be less likely to appear on news feeds.

I feel like more moderation is the answer, and in glad I get to help with that now

sabderemane profile image
Sarah Abd
vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe • Edited

Honestly, the DEV staff should read each word of this article and take some serious actions if they want to grow for the better.

These low-quality posts will not survive for a long time for a platform like DEV which started with a positive goal of making a good community of developers who share their thoughts, ideas, and learnings through the articles here.


Share this post link, tweet them, and let them know they need to fix this issue for the better.


And a BIG THANKS TO YOU Mydrax for coming up and writing this.

EDIT: The DEV team have something to share regarding this issue:

jessesbyers profile image
Jesse Smith Byers

I have a couple thoughts to add to this discussion:

  1. Increase education for users on how to browse and how to post

    • I just stumbled upon some tips for how to adjust the weighting of the tags I follow and the experience level of the posts in my feed. These settings make a huge difference in what shows up in the feed! Making this info more prominent on the homepage could be helpful.
    • Similarly, frequent reminders / more prominent messaging about how to rate the experience levels of the posts we write, and proper use of tags could also be helpful.
  2. Write more of the kind of posts you'd like to see

    • Some writers are here to write more for ourselves - for logging and solidifying our own learning - than for an outside audience (this is certainly true for me). Some of us are here more to consume content than to produce it. And this ratio changes over time. But I think it is always helpful to have the "be the change..." mentality, and just write the type of posts that you feel are lacking. At the very least, it gives someone else a high-quality read. Best-case scenario, it serves as an example and inspires more people to up their quality.
  3. Focus on the long game, not the moment

    • I really like the suggestions of others on using the Week/Month/Infinity tabs to find higher-quality content, as well as using the search bar - this is where I've found the most valuable content for my own learning. It doesn't have to be about the feed.
    • But this is true on the writer side as well. A post might not get a lot of views right away, but may get a lot of views over time. For example, I posted a few articles last spring that got zero traction, and all of a sudden they seem to be getting views on a regular basis. Trust that if you create something high-quality, people will find and share it...but maybe not right away.
artydev profile image
artydev • Edited

Dear Mydrax,

Give a chance to anyone.

If you want well formatted articles or tutorials, there are tons of awesome books, made by awesome developpers
Not everyone is good at publishing, neither me, but if you don't try you will never progress.


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