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Collaborating with Git Remotes: Adding Config File Support

This week I tried to add a new feature to our 0.1 Release app repositories that allows users to configure options using a TOML formatted configuration file. This lab not only helped us level up our Git skills but also introduced us to the art of working with configuration files and collaborating on someone else's codebase.

I chose a python project, read the code and create an issue, then I created the branch and collaborated with the owner who find some problems. This progress was easier for me since I have already did this many times before.

alikhan1998 did some work for my project, I tried to retch his changes by using these command:
git remote add <name-of-student> <https://git-url-of-other-studnet-fork.git>
git fetch <name-of-student>
git checkout -b <branch-name> <name-of-student>/<branch-name>
and ran it in my local Mac, but I found he wrote a new python file which was separate from my old java file, I didn't know how to combine these, so I replied him in the issue and wait to get answer.

This experience was a deep dive into collaborative development, Git, and configuration files. I encountered challenges, sought help when needed, and learned valuable lessons about working with remotes and managing configurations. I also gained insights into effective communication and collaboration within the developer community.
In conclusion, adding TOML configuration file support to someone else's repository was a rewarding adventure. It expanded my Git skills, honed our coding abilities, and reinforced the importance of open communication in software development.

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