DEV Community

Discussion on: Why You Shouldn't Use A Web Framework

wanahmadfiras profile image

Thank you so much for your article!

I was googling my insecurities as a total newbie in web development. I had just completed learning HTML, CSS, JS, PHP & MySQL basic courses in a paid e-learning service in tandem with completing the 'version zero' of my first personal web project that needs all the languages. I knew I was quite ambitious to learn all in less than two months resulting in numerous all-nighters to get my brain work like a developer (or at least similar) and hands dirty with coding errors and eyes on W3Schools & Stack Exchange while keeping sane in my unrelated day job. I was thinking, am I too obsessed to be a sort-of purist? Should I just proceed embracing any near-to-holy-grail framework?

Your article is like a pat in a back after all the tiring & frustrating night-ups. Thank you!

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

Phew! That sounds like a lot of hard work. Well done. Trust your instincts and follow your joy and I hope you get where you need to be.