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Walter Nascimento
Walter Nascimento

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Protect Directories Using APACHE

Apache has a setting that causes anyone accessing the site to be prompted for a password.

While not the best way to keep your files safe, in a very quick and simple way to do

so let's go


To request a password on your apache server, you must tell to apache that it needs to request a password, as one of the ways is basic authentication.

touch .htaccess
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After creating the file edit it with the following settings:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Files"
AuthUserFile "/usr/local/security/.htpasswd"
Require valid-user
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Where it says "Restricted Files", you can substitute whatever you want to appear to the user.

and where is the location of the .htpasswd file, you must first create the file, being possible to use the htpasswd file that comes in the linux environment

htpasswd -b -c .htpasswd <user> <password>
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πŸ’‘ NOTE: Replace <user> with the desired username and <password> with the desired password

if you don't want to use the command above you can also create a file manually and access any generator on the internet, for example:


If you are creating the server for the first time and want to make less edits, you can leave the settings inside the conf file:

 <Directory /var/www/html>
   AuthType Basic
   AuthName "Authentication Required"
   AuthUserFile "/etc/htpasswd/.htpasswd"
   Require valid-user
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Code and Example

If you prefer, I have a ready-to-use repository:


If you want to delve deeper into apache, visit this link and the documentation itself ;)


Thanks for reading!

If you have any questions, complaints or tips, you can leave them here in the comments. I will be happy to answer!
😊😊 See you! 😊😊

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