DEV Community

Vy Quốc Vũ
Vy Quốc Vũ

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Ways to optimize your Lighthouse score

There are several ways to optimize your Lighthouse score, including the following:

Minimize the size of your page's resources, such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files, by minifying them and reducing the number of files that your page loads. This can help improve your page's performance and reduce its loading time.

Enable compression on your web server, which can help reduce the size of the files that your page loads. This can help improve your page's performance and reduce its loading time.

Optimize your images by reducing their size and using the appropriate image file format for the type of image. This can help improve your page's performance and reduce its loading time.
Use a content delivery network (CDN) to serve your page's static assets, such as images and JavaScript files. This can help improve your page's performance by reducing the distance that the assets have to travel to reach the user.

Use caching to store frequently-used resources on the user's device, so that they don't have to be downloaded again on subsequent page visits. This can help improve your page's performance and reduce its loading time.

Use asynchronous loading for your JavaScript and CSS files, so that they don't block the rendering of the page. This can help improve your page's performance and reduce its loading time.

Use a web font service, such as Google Fonts, to serve your page's fonts, rather than hosting them on your own server. This can help improve your page's performance and reduce its loading time.

Use a tool, such as Lighthouse, to audit your page and identify specific areas for improvement. This can help you identify specific steps that you can take to optimize your page and improve your Lighthouse score.

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Vy Quốc Vũ

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