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Vivek Kumar
Vivek Kumar

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Exploring ReadableStream in the Browser: A Guide to Asynchronous Reading

The ReadableStream interface in the browser environment provides a standardized way to work with streams of data asynchronously. It is implemented by various classes and objects, offering a versatile set of options for handling data from different sources. In this article, we'll explore common classes and objects that implement the ReadableStream interface, enabling you to perform asynchronous reading operations in your web applications. Additionally, we'll dive into using the for await...of loop and async iterators to simplify the process of consuming data from these streams.

1. Fetch API: Response.body

When making network requests using the Fetch API, the Response.body property returns a ReadableStream representing the body of the response. This allows you to asynchronously handle the data received from the server.

const response = await fetch('');
const readableStream = response.body;

// Using for await...of loop
for await (const chunk of readableStream) {
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2. WebSocket API: WebSocket

The WebSocket API provides a ReadableStream for receiving data from a WebSocket connection. This is particularly useful for real-time communication scenarios where data is sent and received continuously.

const socket = new WebSocket('wss://');
const readableStream = socket;

// Using for await...of loop
for await (const message of readableStream) {
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3. File API: Blob

The Blob object, representing a binary large object, implements the ReadableStream interface. This is commonly used when working with files or binary data.

const blob = new Blob(['Hello, World!'], { type: 'text/plain' });
const readableStream =;

// Using for await...of loop
for await (const chunk of readableStream) {
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4. Streams API: ReadableStream.from

The Streams API provides the ReadableStream.from method, allowing you to create a readable stream from an iterable. This provides a convenient way to work with data from various sources.

const iterable = [1, 2, 3];
const readableStream = ReadableStream.from(iterable);

// Using for await...of loop
for await (const item of readableStream) {
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5. Server-Sent Events: EventSource

The EventSource API, used for handling Server-Sent Events, exposes a ReadableStream for receiving events from the server. This is commonly used for establishing a unidirectional communication channel from the server to the client.

const eventSource = new EventSource('');
const readableStream = eventSource;

// Using for await...of loop
for await (const event of readableStream) {
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6. File Input: File API

When working with file input elements (<input type="file">), the selected file can be treated as a Blob with a ReadableStream. This allows you to asynchronously process the content of the selected file.

const fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput');
const file = fileInput.files[0];
const readableStream =;

// Using for await...of loop
for await (const chunk of readableStream) {
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In conclusion, the ReadableStream interface opens up possibilities for handling asynchronous data streams in the browser. Whether you are fetching data from a server, working with WebSocket connections, processing files, or dealing with other iterable data sources, understanding these implementations of ReadableStream empowers you to build more efficient and responsive web applications. Utilizing the for await...of loop and async iterators further simplifies the consumption of asynchronous streams, making your code cleaner and more readable.

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