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Discussion on: Which Single Resource Has Most Affected How You Code?

vonheikemen profile image

This talk by Anjana Vakil. A non scary introduction to functional programming. It really gave me the tools to start digging into the "practical" parts of functional programming that I could use in javascript.

This one is interesting. In this you see how powerful pure functions can be.

murrayvarey profile image

Sounds awesome! I've shied away from functional programming in the past, so will definitely check this out. Is it something that you use a lot?

vonheikemen profile image
Heiker • Edited

Sure. Even just using pure functions can change the way you write things.

Whenever I get to write a function from scratch I end up with something like this.

function big_function() {
  const data = get_data();

  const errors = validate(data);
  if(errors.length) {

  const clean_data = some_process(data);
  const saved = save_stuff(clean_data);

  if(saved == false) {
    show_errors(['oops, something went wrong']);

  show_message('we good');

I have a 'big function' that coordinates a bunch of 'little functions.'

The things that can have an effect on the outside world get their own functions and most of the time don't process anything, they just show/save/send whatever you throw at them.

Almost everything ends up being a two step process, handle the data and using the data.

The most important thing is to make the little functions as predictable as possible. Given the same inputs should always give you the same result.